Chapter 17

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"Fairy-godmother?" Thomas asked. They were seated in a large living room. Patrick had gone off somewhere.

Shay shrugged. "It was quicker than saying, 'I'm the one who found your horses when they were stolen, and delivered the medicine for your sick son, and rewired the heater during last year's snowstorm and--'"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it."

"Let's just say that Leanna wasn't the only reason I stayed."

Thomas turned to her. "You could have left?"

"Oh, don't look so surprised. There isn't a prison on this planet that I couldn't get out from," Shay said. She was trying to hide it but he could see the corners of her mouth twitch. "I could have gotten you out as well. Nina and Owen were just there to make it look as if I needed help, just in case Samuel catches us. He wouldn't know that I can get us out."

Thomas blinked a few times then leaned back in his chair. "I'm just going to say this upfront... I have no idea what's going on or why things are happening or--"

Shay patted his knee. "I'll try to explain things a little later."

Patrick came back into the room with some glasses of ice cold juice. Thomas downed his in one gulp and heated up Shay's.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Is your family at home?" Shay asked.

"No. They're gone for a few more days. Now tell me what's going on."

"It's simple really," Shay said, leaning back into the armchair she was seated in. "Our eldest brother is a terrible person, had our sister killed by that guy over there and now he wants the both of us either dead or locked back up in that special little cage he has for me back at the castle. Well, lock me up. I haven't seen any possible ending that allows Thomas to remain alive as of right now." She paused. "Nope, that one ends with him impaled with metal rods, again."

"Again?" Thomas asked. "There was another time."

"Three. Two times you were shot and once you were pulled apart by dogs. Samuel is getting more creative in his later years."

"Okay. I'm lost," Patrick said.

"That makes both of us," Thomas said.

Shay leaned forward. "I honestly don't have the mental strength to explain anything to you right now." She blinked and rubbed her eyes. "I'm seeing far too many things at the moment. Thomas hold him."

Thomas grabbed him just as he reached for the phone.

"What the hell?" Patrick shouted.

"Look, there is nothing you can do at this point that I haven't already foreseen and if you finish taking that step back, you'll trip over the rug and fall into the fireplace and burn this house down."

Patrick froze. "What?"

"You'd be surprised at how many of our decisions end with certain death. I'm honestly surprised anyone lived past their first year." Shay reached into her pocket and took out another red bottle. She drank it.

"You're crazy," Patrick said.

Shay rubbed her temples. "I'm starting to think that as well. Thomas you can let him go now."

Thomas went to stand next to her. "How many of those do you have left?" he asked softly.

"Two. It may not be enough to get me through the night at this rate," she said. She stood up and went to stand before Patrick. "I'm going to kill Samuel and put you on the throne." She closed her eyes for a moment then smiled. "Yes that one seems to be a good ending... no wait. Thomas ends up dead again. I need to tweak this plan."

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