Chapter 13

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A/N: Italics represent non-English words or phrases.

"Every time he woke up he was asking for her and he kept saying her name in his sleep."

Thomas forced his eyes open. He blinked a few times. He turned his head to the voice. That man. He knew him. Thomas looked around. His room. His old room.

"He's awake." He recognized that voice before he saw the person who spoke. "I didn't believe them at first when they told me you were alive but now that I'm seeing you for myself..."

Thomas tensed. Zahir Kazmi. His blood ran cold.

"Shay. Where is she? What did you do to her?" Thomas asked. His throat was dry and the words made it hurt. He sat up. He was a little weak but the pain was gone. He opened the bottle of water on the bedside table and drank it all in one long gulp.

"I haven't done anything to her," Zahir said. He was speaking in Arabic. "There she is now." He pointed at the door with his cane.

Shay walked into the room and came to stand next to his bed. She gave him a small smile. "You're awake," she said.

Thomas got out of the bed and pulled her into a hug. "I was so worried."

"That should be my line. You were the one who was dying." She didn't move at all, not to return the hug or step out of it.

He pulled back and held her at arms length. "Were you hurt?" he asked, examining her from head to toe with his eyes.

"No. I'm fine." She looked at Zahir and Yavar. "I can't understand anything they're saying."

Thomas watched Zahir from the corner of his eye. "It's nothing import--"

He held his hand to his head and sat down on the bed.

"Thomas?" Shay asked.

His tongue and throat felt dry. His head was spinning. "I need water," he said. Yavar, Zahir's personal doctor and closest friend, produced two more bottles. He felt better once both bottles were drained. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Two days," Shay said. "They wouldn't tell me how you were so I wasn't sure if you were dead or alive." She wasn't looking at him. She rested her hand on his shoulder. "It's nice to know you're alright."

He wasn't sure if she meant that or not. She'd never lied to him but she must hate him for killing her sister.

She took his hand and held it up to her face. "This is new."

Thomas held it up and sent electricity through his fingers. Purple lines lit up like veins all along his arm.

"It's more powerful," Zahir said.

"Where's my bracelet?" he asked. His wrist looked naked. Without it he wouldn't be able to find Shay if she left. "I want it back."

"I have it," Shay said but she didn't give it to him.

"Brennan and Luca were waiting until you were awake to come see you," Zahir said.

"What are they doing here?" Thomas asked.

Zahir leaned against the desk. "Luca came last night when he heard you were here. Brennan lives here now."

Thomas stood. "What do you mean he lives here now?"

"You were dead, Junaid. I needed help."

"So you brought Brennan? He's fifteen!"

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