Chapter 8

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A/N: Italics are for non-English words/sentences.

"Where are we?" Thomas asked. He pulled on his gloves before anyone could notice his metal hand.

Shay pressed a button on her bracelet. "Podgorica, Montenegro."

It was mid-afternoon.

"Why are we here? Weren't we supposed to get the Book at Machu Picchu?" Thomas asked. Someone bumped into Shay and she jumped. She jumped again when a car popped its horn. He couldn't see her eyes through her sunglasses, but her hands were in fists and the muscles in her jaw were clenched.

"I don't know, and I can't think with all this noise," Shay said. She held her hands over her ears. He pulled her out of the way of a group of people. He had to get her off the street. He looked around. A restaurant. It looked high classed. They weren't dressed properly but they still had the Massuran money and all the jewelry they'd taken. He should be able to slip out and change something into the local currency.

Thomas put his arm around Shay's shoulders and led her towards the restaurant. The sign said Restaurant Gaurav and he could smell barbeque. It should do nicely. He already felt his stomach growling and he didn't want to deplete his supply of protein shakes just yet.

The person at the front desk gave them weird looks, especially because Shay refused to remove her hands from her ears even after they had entered, but at least he understood English and soon they were seated at a table. Soft music played and everyone was speaking in whispers. Thomas reached across the table and pulled one of her hands away from her ear.

"You should order something," he said. He handed her the menu.

"We don't have time to eat," Shay said. She looked over at the table next to them and took the menu from him.

"You may not but I do. I'm starving," Thomas said.

"You're always starving," Shay muttered. He chuckled. "I'm not sure what to order. I've never tasted any of this." She pushed it towards him. "You order."

He glanced through the menu and called the waiter over. "Two steaks with potatoes and French bread," he said.

"I thought you were Buddhist," Shay said. "Why do you eat meat?"

"Not all Buddhists are vegetarian and I need a break from all that health food Nina cooks," Thomas said. Shay had a strict diet to keep her in top physical condition that involved lots of organic vegetables. Nina was a good cook but there was nothing like plate of steak and mashed potatoes.

He stood. "I need to change some money so that we can pay for this meal."

Shay grabbed his hand before he could leave. "Please don't leave me alone here," she said.

His heart quickened. He took her hand and rested it on the table. "It won't take me long. I'll be back soon. In the meantime, try to figure out why we're here."

She slumped back in her chair.

He stepped outside and looked around. There was something off about the city. There was noise, yes, but there weren't as many cars or people as he would have expected. The city wasn't destroyed. He could see no sign of dinosaurs or dragons or anything else out of the ordinary.

Thomas walked down the street to what looked like a pawn shop. They needed to get rid of some of the weight of the jewels. There was an old man at the front desk.

"Hello?" he called. The man looked up. "Is this a pawn shop?" he asked. The man looked confused so Thomas tried again in French. "Is this a pawn shop?" he asked again.

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