The Meeting Place

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"Cool. I'll see you guys after class," Serena turned away from her friends. She instantly looked down at her cellphone to see who was texting her. She texted and looked up once in a while to get her bearings.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed apologizing to the person she had bumped into.

"No worries, it was a mutual mistake," The young man replied.

Serena looked up. Damn! He was hot! If she was in a movie, she'd have fainted or probably done something more dramatic. Then, he looked up too, straight into her stare. Good gosh! He just wasn't real. He had the sexiest pair of jade green eyes, short dark brown curls and a nice, deep voice.

Scott couldn't believe his eyes. It was like he had walked straight into his dreams. She was unbelievingly gorgeous. Vivid satin grey eyes stared at him with shyness, her chestnut brown hair with blond highlights was in a neat bun the top of her head with a loose curls hanging around her face and it made her beauty more striking. He watched as she stood first, her curves straightening out before him. He stood also.

"Can I have my phone?" Serena asked nervously. He was staring at her like he was peering deep inside her soul.

"Sorry," he said with a smile. Her lips were so perfect.

Serena took her cell and hurried off praying that he wasn't watching her still. She was so concious of herself right now that she could possibly trip. What had just happened was so awkward, it really felt like she was in a movie but they didn't exchange numbers so she guessed that was that. She really hoped that she wouldn't have to go through that or see him again. She hated being nervous.

Scott watched as she hurried off. Her jeans hugged her shapely thighs and calves and grabbed her butt just the way any man would want to. Her high heeled boots topped off the outfit and made her walk sassy and sexy. He prayed he'd get to see her again.

"Yo, Scott, wassup?" Jason leaned on his shoulder.

"I don't know how I've never seen her before," Scott replied thoughtfully.

"Who?" Jason inquired.

"I don't know her name but I'm in love," Scott joked.

Jason punched him on the shoulder. "Let's go man," 


She couldn't concentrate in class at all. Her mind kept going back to the hallway and a pair of jade green eyes that are highlighted with orange specs. This wasn't her. It wasn't like they'd had an entire conversation. She knew nothing about him nor did she want to.

Serena gave her head a quick shake and fought her thoughts for control over her brain. It was not the time or place to be thinking about an unexpected incident. Furthermore, it was as minor as incidents came.

Scott laughed at his friend's jokes but his mind was far from where he was sitting. In his head he was caught up with the beautiful, short, caramel coloured skin woman he literally bumped into just an hour or so ago. He just had to see her again. In fact, he had to properly meet and get to know her.

* * * 

"So, how was everyone's morning?" Deena asked as Serena and her friends sat down for lunch.

"Excuse me," A male voice said out of nowhere.

No! This wasn't happening. She knew that voice, she'd heard it somewhere before. Serena turned slowly to face her beautiful nightmare.

"Hi," She smiled, "Are you stalking me?"

"I have your book. It got mixed in with mine this morning," He laughed, holding it out in front of her.

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