The Minor Depression

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For the next week, Serena was able to successfully avoid Scott. Then, he showed up at her house an evening.

"Scott's just pulled up," Deena informed.

"I'm not home," Serena lied.

"Come in," Serena heard Cassandra say.

Before she could think, Scott stood there staring at her with questioning eyes. The girls left them alone.

"Scott," She said his name politely as though nothing was wrong.

"What the hell did I do?" He shot out.

"What are you talking about?" Serena was puzzled.

"We shared the most incredible kiss and then you avoid me like I'm a plague. What is it?" He was almost furious but sounded more concerned.

Serena opened her mouth but nothing came out. She watched as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Serena...," he trailed off, sitting.

"I don't know, I'm just being silly," Serena stood and began to pace.

"Can I tell you what I think?" He asked. Serena shrugged.

"I think that you've had bad experiences with relationships and you have the mentality of most women which is 'all men are dogs'" Scott said. "But I promise to be different if you give me a chance,"

"I don't know, Scott," She replied skeptically.

Scott walked over to her and hugged her. He couldn't be in her company without touching her. He pulled her into a hug that felt as electrifying as the kiss they shared last week. That was the kiss that he daydreamed about, that he dreamt about at night.

Before Serena could stop herself and think logically, she was the one who pulled his head down for a kiss. This kiss had more spice to it; his hands closed around her waist and bought them closer. Her hands held firmly onto his biceps and soon she was on tiptoes with him fully supporting her.

Scott broke the kiss, his breathing deep. What the hell had she just done to him? Where did that come from? It surprised him.

"I promised that I would be different and that involves taking things slow," Scott pointed out. Serena nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Scott," She said.

" more avoiding me?" He inquired. She shook her head.

"And what about us? Are we a couple?" He asked.

"Just give me a little more time to think about it," Serena said with a ghost of a smile.

She could tell he was jumping for joy on the inside with the way his face brightened with a smile. That devastatingly charming smile, the one that caught her off guard the first time they bumped into each other. The smile that even though she was skeptical about the age difference, she kept thinking about.

"See you tomorrow...babe," Scott smirked, then gave her a kiss and left.

Serena fell onto the couch with weak knees. Was she ready for this? Well, she'd have to see.


Serena sat on the bench watching football practice. She had no clue about anything football except that there's a goalkeeper, two opposing teams and Cristiano Renaldo was the sexiest man alive. A noise was bringing her out of her imagination, Scott and another team member arguing.

Adding to the ruckus was the coach. Serena stood as Scott walked her way. Then he stalked straight past her. Serena sat. She gave him a few minutes before going after him.

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