Starting From Scratch

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Scott stretched in his bed. Another day, still alive. 

"Is Sair coming over today?" Evan dropped onto his bed.

Sheesh. He couldn't get a break these past two weeks. Serena's name floated around the house like the air they breathed. When was she coming fr dinner? When was she coming to babysit? How is she doing? Gosh! Let him breathe for awhile.

"No," Scott said with annoyance in his tone.

"Well you don't have to be so grumpy," Evan chided.

"Well, I just woke up so get away," Scott said kicking him off the bed.

"Hey!" he exclaimed.

Then in came Fiarra giggling away like there was no tomorrow. She was the only girl in his life right now. His mother could fend for herself. 

Evan helped her onto the bed where she tried to stand with shaky feet. After a few tries she gave up and crawled across to Scott. Standing, she turned to back him and dropped onto his stomach. An 'oof' sounded from him and she giggled once again. 

Adding to Evan and Fiarra, his parents strolled in. Wow, wasn't this quite the party. Still, he couldn't help but be thankful for life and his family. He was on such a positive vibe, he could even be grateful for the few months he had with Serena.

"Excuse us, Ev," his mother said.

"Adult talk, I know," he rolled his eyes and left.

"What's going on, Scott?" Nicole asked her son.

"Nothing. Why?" he replied cautiously. He could feel it in his bones that her name would be mentioned.

"We don't talk about much but we do talk regularly. So, tell us what's going on between you and Serena," Greg put in.

Scott sighed and watched as Fiarra tried her standing procedure again. 

"Nothing is going on," he repeated.

"Yeah, sure and pigs fly right?" his mother said.

Scott sighed again. They wouldn't give up without the right answer. 

"Literally, nothing is going on between us," 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Nicole was dumbfounded.

"It means, mother, that me and Serena are not intimately involved," he answered.

"I told you," Greg stated.

"Really, dad? So much faith in me," Scott replied.

"From the moment your grades fell son," he pointed out.

"You recovered quicker than we thought so we assumed you two were back on track," Nicole added.

He shook his head. Well his parents should work for CSI with all the hit the nail on the head assming that they were doing.

"We aren't meant to be..." Scott trailed off.

"Meaning?" his mother prodded.

"I have no idea. It's what she keeps saying and I just find myself believing it," he answered, running a hand through his messy curls. 

"It's worst than we thought," Greg straightened.

"She's right though. Everytime we get closer something interesting happens. Even though it was never something that we did, she just got tired of all the drama. Truthfully, I hate drama myself," 

"Oh, darling," his mother pulled him into her arms.

Suddenly he felt like a child again. Needeing his mother's comfort. His father's encouragement. 

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