Chapter Two: The Mysterious Robot Boy

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The bell rang, and everything went crazy. I stood up, tried to walk to the door- but was pushed out of the way a few times. My feet were stepped on around a half dozen times. I was elbowed quite a lot. Some girl accidentally pushed me into a wall before scurrying off and accidentally laughing hysterically.

It was fun, though. I felt like I was in a corn maze full of human obstacles and pointy elbows.

As I made my way through the door (Fourth to last. Better than yesterday, I thought proudly), I threw my hands into the air in pride and smiled ear to ear.

A couple people stared, I don't know why. What's the big deal about somebody showing some enthusiasm for a change?

Now that all the classes were over, that meant the teachers were kicking out all the annoying high school students. I don't blame them.I wonder what the teachers did when they had the school all to themselves. Maybe they sat around a hugetable discussing world domination and twiddling their mustaches? I laughed at the mental image. Teachers are pretty bossy, so it's not too unlikely. Not to mention just about all of them had facial hair- even the women.

Whether or not that was true, I had to leave the school now. So, I gathered my stuff, shoved it all in my rainbow backpack covered in plastic flowers, and skipped all the way home.

As I headed to my apartment, I counted each sidewalk square.

"145, 146, 147..." I sang.

I stopped counting then. I had memorized the number of sidewalk squares from school to my apartment building a long time ago. I stood there in front of the building. The brown bricks were old and dusty. The staircases all creaked. The metal handrail was rusty. The building was full of boring old people that could drop dead any minute, a couple cranky parents with young children, and thenmy mother and I. I call her Moth, which is short for mother. She finds it annoying, but she's gotten used to it by now... sorta.

I hopped up the stairs, ran through the entrance, and then skipped to the elevator. We just got the elevator last year. I love it. Sometimes I take a book in there, sit on the floor, push all the buttons, and read while the elevator shoots up, then down, then up again. I never bore of it.

As I waited for the elevator to bring me to the fifth floor, it stopped at the third. A boy with worn out sneakers walked in. But, it wasn't the fact that this person- judging by their shoes- wasn't elderly that surprised me.

He wobbled in with his feet awkwardly pointing away from each other. He was duck footed. For some reason, this excited me.

"You're duck footed!" I squealed. "I'm pigeon toed!" I quickly added.

He looked up at me, first a bit taken aback, but then amused. He wiped his black hair away from his muddy brown eyes. One corner of his lip pulled up into a crooked smile. His eyes weredancing- a sign of glee.


"Oh my goshness!" I screeched. "You're a total stalker! What are you doing at my apartment building?!"

He was the robot boy from lunch...And he had followed me home! And not only that, but he was now mocking the way I walked! He had now gone too far.

I felt my face turn purple, and I was seeing red. I wanted to punch a wall, but managed toresist the temptation. He was one lucky duck. No pun intended.

"To be fair, this is my apartment building, too. I have just about the same right to ask what you're doing here, as you have to ask what I'm doing here." He smirked.

That smirk had done it for me.

"You are a creeper!" I proclaimed. "Leave me alone, or I will cut off your toes!" I threatened, shaking my fist at him.

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