Chapter Seven: Engulfing My Teacher in Flames

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"Mothy, Mothy, Moth, Moth!" I trilled.

I jumped over crumpled papers and food crumbs, knowing that if Moth was back to her old, uptight self, she'd be scolding me as she vacuumed this pig sty. I don't even know where she keeps the vacuum. She probably locked it up in some high security safe in fear someone would steal her most prized possession.

"Oh, Moth Ball," I sang, as if we were playing hide and seek and I was trying to taunt her out of hiding. But she isn't hiding, of course, and I'm aware of that. Moth was where she always was.

"Guess what?!"

Moth lifted herself up onto her elbows and stared at my delighted expression. Delighted. Hmph. What a complete understatement.

"Okay," I exhaled in one eager, quick breath, not thinking about what I would say next. "So, today, I skipped school-" Oops. I guess that's a bad way to start off. "No, I mean I-"

Moth rolled her eyes, as if this didn't shock her at all. Stupid Moth couldn't think any lower of me, could she?

'Hold your moose!' I thought, back pedaling. Moth rolled her eyes... That's more expression than she's shown in days.

"Holy macaroni noodles," I muttered almost silently.

Moth didn't seem to hear or care, so I carried on with my story, keeping it short and sweet. "I got a job!" I squealed, grabbing Moth's disgustingly skeletal arms and waving them over her head. "S-so now... it'll be okay. Right?" I couldn't conceal the hope in my voice.

Moth stared at me a minute. Then, she gave me the slightest smile followed by a weak nod.

Satisfied, I grabbed the left over Chinese food and relocated it from its current home in a soggy box to a soggy paper plate. It stunk... badly.

"Here moth. Just try not to smell it."

I plopped down on the floor and observed her. She just stared at it as of it may transform into an airplane and fly itself into her mouth. Or maybe she just didn't want it.

"Open up for the planes!" I zipped the fork up, down, left, right. "Prepare for landing!"

"Iris," Moth said sternly just like she would have months ago. I was getting my Moth back.

"Okay, okay," I agreed with fake reluctance, pretending I wasn't secretly super duper pleased.

I shoveled the food into Moth's mouth, and luckily she did the chewing and swallowing herself. Maybe she'd gain some weight back and hopefully color with it. Her white skin hung loose on her minuscule body and her hair strongly resembled a crow's nest.

"Wanna watch some TV?" I asked once the food was gone. "I'll let you pick the channel and everything and I won't even make fun of the ugly ties those old news casters wear. And I know you'll choose news, if you do choose. But, if you're not really in a decisive mood, that's fine, too. I think there's some special on tonight about the CIA brainwashing their agents that don’t even know they’re agents! Totally wacko."

"Tired" was all Moth needed to say for me to realize not as much changed as I had thought.

"You're always tired!" I shouted unexpectantly. "Always," I repeated as I slammed her door.

The next thing I knew I was outside Robot Boy's apartment, banging on his door.

"Open this fudging door right now, Robot Boy, or I'll kick it open!" I screeched, full of anger, but not entirely knowing why."With my feet! I swear I will!"

I almost fell over as the door swung open all of a sudden. "It took you long enough. Now my hands are all bruised!"

A plump woman with a worn face contorted in upmost fear stood before me with a yellow umbrella shaking in her hands. I could tell immediately from her silky, jet black hair that she was Robot Boy's moth.

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