Chapter Five: Moth, Are You in There?

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My whole way home I was thinking about nothing but Robot Boy. Now he probably thinks I'm some psychotic freak. I finally get somebody to not hate my guts, and then I completely ruin it. Then, I was home and any and every thought of Robot Boy was zapped from my mind. The whole apartment was dead silent- so silent that my ears made up for the missing sound by producing an annoying ringing in my ears. Everything was still. Not a single object moved since I left.

"Mom?" I called as I pushed her bedroom door open. Lying in the queen sized bed, looking like a zombie, was Moth. The blankets had fallen off her bed, but she didn't seem to notice. She slept so gently, so undisturbed by everything around her.

"Have you been sleeping all day?" I asked, examining the clothes that hung loosely off her. They were the same as the ones she wore yesterday. "Did you even get dressed? Or did you just sleep through the whole day?!" I realized I was raising my voice, but I didn't care. I would speak louder and louder until it was loud enough for her to acknowledge me.

Moth didn't even respond. I shook her violently. "Mom! Wake up! Come on!"

Moth opened her eyes, looked directly at me, moaned, and then turned over in bed. Her back was to me.

"Fine. Ignore me."

I dragged my feet all the way to the patched up, but comfortable brown couch and braided my hair... But not in a peaceful way. In an angry 'I'm going to ignore your existence just as you do to me' sort of way. Yes, Moth, I'm talking about you. For once, I wished she could read my mind, just so she would know how I’m feeling.

I jumped to a start when I heard someone pound on the door.

"Yes?" I dropped my half braided hair. It fell onto my chest, all of the hard work of the tightly intertwined locks fell apart, broken.

"Um, Iris. It's me. Please don't make me tell you who," an embarrassed voice answered.

"I don't open doors to strangers! You have to tell me!" This should give me at least some amusement. Why not play along with this?

"Come on!" he begged.

I sprinted to the door and bolted it. I think he heard the click of the metal, because then he spoke once again.

"Ugh. It's Robot Boy! Happy?"

"Who?" I shouted, pretending as if I couldn't hear him... But I could. Pretty sly, is it not?

"Robot Boy. Robot Boy!” he screeched. “Now let me in. I have to speak to you.”

I was in an explosion of giggles when I opened the door. "Greetings."

I realized Robot Boy was wearing all white. I was wearing all white. How did I not notice this before? I was a little to creeped out to point out another one of our similarities, so I kept it quiet.

"Are you okay?" Robot Boy asked, concerned. He handed me my shoes without explanation or complaint. "Well, now it seems like you are... I guess my embarrassment will lighten any mood?"

"Pretty much. And, to answer your question... First I wasn't okay, then I was... Then I wasn't... Then I really, really wasn't... And now I am." Robot Boy gaped at me. "I swear I'm not bipolar," I added defensively.

"Just Iris," he agreed.

"Just Iris," I repeated. There was no better way to explain it than that.

Then, Robot Boy caught a glimpse of the zombie in Moth's bed.

"Um, is she okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just... tired." I glanced at the imaginary clock on the wall. "Wow, look at the time! It's getting very... timely. And dinner is approaching! So, I really should get cooking!" I flung the refrigerator door open as the words rushed from my mouth. "Wow, not enough for three. Well, I guess that means I'll have to say goodnight. Nice speaking to you. I hope I didn't scare you. Bye- bye! See you-"

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