Chapter Thirteen: If I Was a Duck

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I heard banging at my bedroom door and came to the conclusion that whoever was behind it had a reason for it. I rubbed at my adjusting eyes as I pulled myself onto my elbows. Today I had to return to school, I realized. That was the reason. Today I would have to face light, and teachers, and school work, and... What if I saw Robot Boy?

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up," I began to say before being interrupted by a yawn.

Since I have already decided to hate Robot Boy for the rest of my existent, and since I have made this very clear to him, it would probably be a bit awkward for us to run into each other. He had seen me, and her, and everything. He knew so much about me that I didn't want him to know- that I didn't want anyone to ever know.

Unfortunately, avoiding Robot Boy would be almost impossible. If there was ever a time to switch into full on ninja mode, it would be now.

I brushed my fingers through my hair as I pondered this dilemma. Going to the same school and living in the same apartment building didn't significantly help this situation. But, if my timing was good, maybe I would never have to see the boy who took away my moth ever again. If I was late for school, I wouldn't have to run into Robot Boy on my way there- but if I was late Gran would probably skin me alive and where wear my remains as a coat. And schedule more appointments with the school counselor. Darn. For once in my life, I would have to not only be on time, but be early.

Oh gosh, what is happening to the world? Why do I even care?

I barely glanced at the clothes I threw on... Hopefully I didn't end up wearing two pairs of pants or something awkward like that. Then, with my floral backpack slung over my shoulder, I bolted out of my room.

"Ahh! The light!" I shrieked as I began tumbling backwards, almost losing my balance. "It burns!" It really did. After days of closed blinds, even my eyelids couldn't protect me from the brightness. How could something so natural feel so unnatural?

After I was armed with a pair of pink, heart shaped sunglasses, I made another attempt at surviving life. I was almost out the door when Gran limped over and thrust a paper bag into my hands.

"What is this?" I asked before pulling a sandwich out of it. I guess that would be my only answer because Gran seemed too preoccupied with smelling me.

"Iris! Oh, my- is that your breath?!" she bellowed as she wrinkled her nose and backed away several thousand millimeters.

"Dental hygiene can wait another few days," I sighed before slamming the door in Gran's face. "I have things to do and people to avoid."

I sprinted frantically all the way to school, so by the time I was standing outside the main doors I was panting. How I could sweat in January, I didn't know, but I guess my perspiration has a mind of its own. I climbed the only three steps there were, then froze.

If school was bad before, it would be worse now. Now I had no one. Robot Boy betrayed me, Moth left me. I never minded being alone before. I never cared. Why does everything always have to change? Why can’t change ever be a good thing?

"Are you coming in? You don't have to afraid." I didn't recognize the voice. It had a high pitch, leaving me wondering if it was a girl or just a young boy. It had little emotion, yet still managed to be soothing. "Everything will be okay," it cooed. I think I may have felt its breath on my ear.

I spun around to find that the closest people were still too far. They traveled in groups of two or three, they talked, they laughed. But not with me. There was no one next to me.

I gulped, then headed into the school. I guess it was a good thing my first class was my favorite- hmm, let me rephrase. It's my least hated class. Not because I enjoyed playing sports in gym, but because I actually hated it and the teacher didn't care. Once I got changed into smelly sweats, I had the freedom to do nothing all hour but curl up into a ball in the corner and not even get yelled at. I guess miracles do exist.

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