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I was sitting in a cold metal chair staring directly into the red eye of the camera.

I was sitting completely still.

My hands were handcuffed to the table.

I felt like a prisoner.

Where the hell did I go wrong?


I snapped out of my thoughts.

I stared at the man who said my name.

They called him Agent James Perkins.

"State your name."

"Charlie- I mean Charlotte"

"Your last name too"

"I don't have a last name to go by." I rolled my eyes.

"You're foster family that adopted you, the last name."

Ahh yes the dreaded foster family, that I blamed for getting me in this mess.

"Bartholomew" I gritted my teeth.

"The time is 12:09 in the afternoon, the date is May 24th 1991" he spoke into the microphone.

"How did you begin working for the YFBI?

Y- Youth
F- Federal
B- Bureau
I- Investigation

Yes I was a minor but, it wasn't technically illegal for me to work for the government.

"My Foster Parents were the worst, you know stereotypical abuse. The dad would hit me with beer bottles, but not because he was drunk, just because he was an ass"

"Yahoo Charlie, come out to play I got a surprise for you."

I came out of my room slowly and shut the door behind me.

Right when I turned to face him he threw a beer bottle.

It wasn't directly at my face.

He threw like he was drunk for someone completely sober

I got a scar in my hairline from the incident.


I snapped back to reality.

I looked up at him.

"So your foster family was abusive?"

"Yeah but that's not how I got in the YFBI. My foster parents were drug dealers and I got proof to the police."

He listened intently.

"It's kinda how the YFBI found me."

"Where have you been living since?" James asked.

"In a little place in Barracks."

James looked in his file about me.

"How do you have a place, you are only 16?" She questioned.

"One crime at a time please."
A voice belonging to Lily Connors spoke.

She was my lawyer and supervisor throughout this whole thing.

She could be so quiet, I forgot she was in the room.

James rolled her eyes and Continued asking questions.

"So how did you get mission to go to Regis."

Regis is, well i guess was a boarding boys.

I should've never seen gone to Regis in the first place.

Nothing ever good happens in boys boarding schools, have you ever seen Dead Poets Society?

"I gotta call from the BAU, they had me go on little missions. In return they would pay for my apartment and groceries." I explained.

He nodded his head telling me to go on.

"One day I got a call telling me I had a more difficult mission"

"What were the details that of the mission?" He asked.

"You need to get close to these boys in order to protect them." Dr. Carter Brooks handed me the files

"How am I supposed to get into an all boys school?"

I was confused, it's not like an all boys school would just allow a girl in.

I look over the files of

William Tepper
Joesph Trotta
Ricardo Montoya
Jonathan Bradberry
Henry Giles III

"There is also Phillip Donahue but he is being taken  out of the school" Dr.Brooks continued.

A bunch if trouble makers.

"I accept the mission."

I'm still not sure if i regret my decision.



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