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"So you have a fear of blood, which you often encounter as an agent, and you don't know Morse code?"

I roll my eyes feeling like we've been on this subject for years.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a shitty agent" I wave him off.

Lily face palms as I further incriminate myself, but I'm so sick being interrupted I can't bring myself to care.

"As I was saying."

None of us were able to sleep that night and we brought into the cafeteria the next morning.

Luis makes a rule that we must all be counted every hour on the hour in order to ensure we all stay at the school.

"Is there anyway you'd be able to sneak out during the hour"

The answer at that time was a no because all the entrances that I knew of were guarded or closed off.

We had some free time after breakfast and I was sitting by Joey with a tree while he was drawing.

"We are staged right outside of the building, if there is anyway you can get out we could restock some supplies"
Tyler Rhodes voice rings though my ear piece.

There had to be a way out

But how?

"Could you quit moving to much, god"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked towards Joey.

"What?" I give a confused look.

"I've been trying to draw you for the past 15 minutes and you keep moving around."

"Oh? I'm sorry I'll hold still." I day leaning against the tree.

"Not to be weird but you have a feminine face for a dude." Joey comments.

"Aww how cute but he didn't say no homo." Dottie laughed

I laugh awkwardly "haha I get that a lot"

"What does that have to do with anything?" James asks.

"Shut up and let me reminisce" I snap.


Hey guys I have finally updated!!!!
I hope enjoy and if you wanna read more read my online diary! And if you have a spam book or whatever tell me I'm genuinely interested!!!!

She's the man- Joey Trotta Where stories live. Discover now