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We got in line for breakfast and nothing looked too good but I hadn't ate since before I arrived at Regis so I some fruit.

I was next to Billy and Joey who were scoffing at the food.

I wasn't focused on the people coming in when I should've been.

Luis Cali and his henchmen.

Three shots went off and I hit the deck under the buffet table.

"Charlie? Are you okay?" Dottie asked.

"You should've been focused." James slapped his hand on the table.

I jumped at the sudden nose.

"I know- I should've stayed focused."

"What do you have to say for yourself."

I didn't know James that well, but his body language was unsure about yelling.

"Is this some sort of negotiation tactic?" I asked confidently.

His eyes shifted.

A nervous tick.

He sat back down.

"How did you know?" James asked.

I gave his a confused look.

"About the negotiation tactic." He continued.

"I was trained as profiler."

Luis Cali walked in confidently.

The profile of him was a sadist but not a psychopath.

"Charlie, please tell me you are okay."

"I'm okay." I said loud enough for Billy and Joey to hear.

"You don't look okay chuck." Joey gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah what the tall, dark and handsome guy said."

I hit the mic to create feedback so Dottie will hear.

"Ouch." She yelped.

"I'm okay." I repeat to Joey.

"Someone better tell your hands you're shaking like a leaf." Billy grabbed my hand.

"Ooooh Char, he's cute."

"Cut it out Dottie" I whisper.

"I beg your pardon?" Joey asked.

"I said my hands are fine." I lied and pulled them away from Joey.

A man that came in with Luis showed a picture of Phil to all the students.

"It's Phil." Joey said stunned.

"Charlie, the rest of the team is here." Dottie's was calming.

"Who is the picture of Charlie?" Agent Tyler Rhodes voice asked.

"It's Donohue." I say quietly SO Joey and Billy can't hear me.

"It's Phil." Billy said as the man walked away.

Luis Cali's henchman made us all line up and called role of all the boys with important parents.

When he got to Ricardo shit about hit the fan.

He asked Ric if he spoke any Spanish.

"Not really, only a little. Ric said hesitantly.

He seemed unsure of himself, hoping that saying no was the right answer.

But I read his file.

He was lying.

"Ponerle una bala" Cali told one o his men.

I knew that meant put a bullet in him and Ricardo knew too.

"No wait." Ric panicked.

"Wait what?" Luis turned to face him.

I put my hand in my pocket wear my gun was.

"Charlie, stand down. If you open fire you guarantee the deaths of theses boys."

I eased off the gun.

"Sorry sir, I do speak a little Spanish."

Luis requested a gun and hit Ricardo with the butt of it in the leg."

But just because I can ease off the gun doesn't mean Billy can ease off his voice.

"Hey what are you doing?!" He screamed at Cali, the guards holding Billy back.

I tried to pull him back.

Billy was pinned.

"Is he a friend of yours?"

"Yes." Billy struggled to look him in the eye.

"Tell your friends he is lucky I didn't shoot him."

"What's you name?" Cali continued

"William Tepper." Billy answered.

"What does he do?"

"He's a contractor."

Luis look through his file."

"Says here you father run the 3rd largest construction company in the world."

"I told you he's a contractor." Billy snarked.

"Are you a afraid?"

Billy didn't make eye contact again.

"Yes I'm a afraid."

"Then don't fuck with me."

She's the man- Joey Trotta Where stories live. Discover now