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"Joseph Trotta"

Joey walked up to Cali straight faced showing no fear.

"Your father is Albert Trotta?" Luis asked.

"Yes" Joey said coldly.

"Are you not proud of your father."

"No." Joey never broke eye contact.

"He sounds like a tough kid." James commented.

"Yeah, he was tough, but not for good reason." I told him.

"What happened to him?"

"His dad"

He gave me a confused looks

"You know, Albert Trotta. The drug cartel leader." I explained.

"Oh, yeah."

We were told the rules

Every hour on the hour we are to gather in the lunchroom for a headcount.

For every one person missing, five people will be killed.

After we were pushed into freshman dorms as groupsa after getting stuff from our rooms. Luckily we ended up together +2 other freshman.l

Derek (aka yogurt) and Ted.

We basically took over the poor kids room and made ourselves at home.

While the most of the boys were looking for food and playboy magazines.

"Teen boys are such pervs." Dottie giggled.

Billy's attention was directed to a remote control plane that Yogurt had made.

He asked him about if he knew the controls and how it worked. I Interrupted with:

"Hey that thing Cali has got a around his wrist, do you think that will work?" I asked in my best boy voice (I think I really got this down)

"Yeah." He said worriedly

"Well then were truely fucked, I mean they can't rescue us we would all get killed." Billy added.

"Not if they pay the randsom" Said Ricardo.

"Maybe." I said almost hopefully.

Things got quiet, then Joey broke the silence.

"We are gonna do something, we can't just let these bastards fuck with our lives." He snapped.

"Do we have a choice?" Hank questioned.

"We should" I spoke up.

"Uh guys, can we change the subject? I would like to go to bed without wetting myself." Snuffy complained.

At this point I was feeling nauseous talking about whether or not we were gonna make it out of here NOT in body bags so I stepped into the bathroom.

I threw up my lunch from earlier felt dizzy but I didn't wanna stay in the gross boys restroom for too long.

"Okay spare me the details" he shuddered.

When I came out Joey's head was out the door, and one of the guards yelled something to him but my head was pounding so I couldn't hear.

"Shut the door." Warned Ric.

Once Joey shut the door he proposed an idea of jumping one of the guards and stealing his machine gun.

"You know this machine gun stuff must run in mafia families." Snuffy joked.

"You son of a bitch." Joey yelled and swung at snuffy.

Luckily for snuffy he missed.

Unluckily for me I was the reason he missed.

He hit me right in the nose which made it start to bleed.

I felt dizzy again.

"C'mon guys kiss and make up." Billy told them.

What followed was a hand shake that I had trouble focusing on because of the blood coming out of my face.

It wasn't till I saw it that I fainted.

She's the man- Joey Trotta Where stories live. Discover now