Chapter 10: Baby Baby Baby

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I didn't care about the cold wind trying to send shivers down my bare spine. I didn't care that others were looking on at us, running from the car to the hospital entrance. The only thing I cared about was that I could save my family. Luckily, there was hardly anybody tonight so they got to us immediately. They wanted to put her on a bed and wheel her up to a room, but I refused. I needed to be by her side the entire time. Aaron reasoned with me though, saying it would be best. But I know what's best, I kept thinking to myself. I caved in and lay Alexis down on the bed they'd just wheeled in.

"Tell us what happened." the nurses asked while they ran her to the closest elevator, myself right there beside them.

"She wasn't feeling well for the past couple days. It was just a stomachache at first, but then tonight she got really sick and when we found her in the bathroom she had passed out and cut her head." The car ride had been tedious as well. I kept her in my arms, whispering little nothings to her hoping she would at least wake up. Her face would show pain every now and then and she'd moan or scream occasionally. Sometimes she whispered "help" or "Tyler", but the most sound she'd make was from screaming.

"How far along is she?"

"Six months."

"Was there water on the floor when you walked in?"

"Yeah, and blood."

"Not good. Sir, your child will most likely have to arrive tonight."

"What?! N-no that's...that's not-"

"Please wait out here. We need to get her set up and find out what's wrong." I couldn't tell what kind of face I was making, but Aaron obviously did and his own face fell. They wheeled Alexis into a room and closed the door behind them.

We sat outside the room on the floor for what seemed like ages. No sound loud enough to let us know what was happening came from the room.  One nurse ran out of the room and left the door open a hair. I crawled around to see if I could get any look, and what I did see made me want to cry.

Alexis lay in the bed, now in hospital clothes, her eyes shut and her chest moving up and down slowly. There were different IVs in her hands and arms, an oxygen mask covering her face. She looked miserable, her partially visible mouth in a sad scowl. The nurse came back and closed the door completely, shutting away my only view of my almost-family.

"Mark." I looked over to Yami, his face also sad. He handed me his jacket, and I realized the goosebumps on my skin. I gratefully took it from him and zipped it up. "Everything is going to be okay. She's going to be okay."

"But what about Tyler? I'm worried about him just as much as I am about Lex."

"I'm sure he'll be fine too. Think of it this way; you're meeting your son sooner than you thought! You and Lexi will be parents in a couple hours."

"It could take a lot longer than that, Yami." I slicked my hair back, Not sure what I could do now. "But thanks, man. I need a little positive attitude right now." He gave me a thumbs up just as the door creaked open again and the other nurse poked her head out.

"Sir, you can come in now if you'd like." I didn't hesitate to jump up and almost run to the bedside. God, she looked worse up close. Sickly pale, dark under-eyes, a clean bandage around her head. It felt like the first time she was in the hospital. That was because of me, though. Was this also because of me? Was it a mistake to keep this baby? As much as we've both grown to love and want Tyler more and more, I couldn't help feeling this was a big mistake.

Lexi's eyes twitched and her face scrunched up. Very slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she looked around the room. Her head slowly moved towards me and a smile formed on her sweet lips.

Then *Poof* I'm Here: A Sequel #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now