Chapter 11: The Madness Begins

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Just as Evans had said, we were out of the hospital on Wednesday, which was the day before we had to leave for home again.

"Do you think it's safe for Ty to go on a plane just yet? He's only a couple days old and especially in his condition, it may not be good for him."

"We have to go home, you know that. They told us what to do in case of emergencies anyway." Tyler was diagnosed with asthma, and even though it doesn't sound so bad, it was. Not only was he small and three months premature, he couldn't breathe correctly and because of that, his lungs had been filled with water. Thankfully it didn't happen again during the few days we kept him at the hospital, but now we had to carry around an oxygen tank that he was going to have to be hooked up to constantly. Evans was unsure whether this would be a permanent condition or if it would only be for a couple years. Either way, we had to take him home. That wasn't a choice.

"I guess you're right. I just don't want him to get hurt." Alexis lay in the bed of our hotel room, holding him in her arms. Kat and Yami had gotten us some clothes as a celebratory gift and so Ty wouldn't be in hospital clothes his entire trip home. Because he was very small, the clothes were a bit big, but we figured he'd grow into them. His covered hands were pawing at Lexi's fingers, who by the way was more than ecstatic to be holding her child. A great big smile had been plastered on her face every day, helping any way she could by keeping Tyler calm, dressing him, changing him, feeding him, and bathing him. She was the most dedicated mother I'd ever seen. "How long do you think the tank will last? It's a bit big and he's so small. Do you think it'll last a week? Maybe two?"

"It should last for a while. Like you said, he's tiny." I sat down on the edge of the bed and cradled Ty's small head. He stopped playing with Lexi's hands and went to mine. Through the cloth of his gloves, he grabbed onto my other index finger and looked at it, curious as to what it was. I couldn't help but laugh. He was so lively already, so full of life. I guess he was going to be an impatient one. He dropped the pacifier in his mouth and made weird gurgling noises. Lexi laughed too, propping him up a little more in her arms. Tyler looked around the room and at us, more curiosity filling his brown eyes.

"I know you say he looks like me, but I swear he has your eyes."

"Don't go all Harry Potter on me now!" she laughed. "He's perfect no matter what." She brushed his dark hair back and adjusted his tubes.

"You're a great mother, I hope you know." She looked up to me, apparently shocked to hear those words come from me. But a second later she was smiling again.

"I just want what's best for him. He's as much mine as he is yours." She lifted Ty up and rested him in my own arms. She'd been the one to hold and care for him mostly since he was born, but she always told me she felt bad for it. I held the baby in my arms, his onesie just a bit baggy on him. Even though I hadn't held him too much, and he wasn't as accustomed to my face as Lexi's, he gave his first smile to me in that moment. His toothless smile was bright as the sun, happy to finally be in this world. He made a noise as if he were trying to laugh and waved his little arms around.

"Oh, honey. Here." Lexi handed me a tissue from the nightstand and I gratefully took it. I didn't even realize I had started to tear up. I wasn't sad, though. I was the happiest father in the world. "You already love him."

"I loved him a long time ago." Tyler yawned wide and slowly blinked his eyes. He started falling asleep and rested his small head against my chest.

"Do you want to sleep with him tonight?" I immediately nodded yes.

"He's...he's just so..."

"I know." She grinned at the both of us and got up to change into some pajamas. It wasn't really late, only about eight, but we'd been out all day. We got Ty out of the hospital then headed straight for Yami's place so I could finish my part and we could both introduce him to the group, since they didn't get the chance that night. Sophie cried happily, Kat held him for a little while, and the Ryans gave Alexis flowers. It was a long day, especially for the little guy, but we managed. I was more tired than I thought too. I set up his tank next to my side of the bed and nestled Ty in the crook of my arms, making sure he'd have enough room to breathe in between Lex and I.

Then *Poof* I'm Here: A Sequel #Wattys2014Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz