Chapter 1; The Flashback

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Chapter 1 


Hi my name is Macy. Macy Summers. I will tell you a little about myself. Hmm I love dancing, and most of all singing. I adore chocolate, and ice-cream.

More about my dislikes. Hmm I hate mushrooms, annoying people, barbie dolls that cake make-up and wear slaggy clothes. Oh I almost forgot what I hated the most. Justin Bieber.

Yes I know. You fans are thinking "why do you hate him" or "Fuck off he's done nothing wrong". And you haters are saying. "Finally someone who hater the gay boy" or "Ha that makes two of us". But sadly no

It started two years ago.




"OH MY BIEBER Leah I'm so excited!" I gleamed. Today I would be going to see Justin Bieber. THE Justin Bieber. I'm Macy, a hardcore Belieber.

I won tickets of the radio for the 10th caller. I got to go backstage and meet him. Then spend the day with him. Yeah I dream come true. For me and my best friend Leah of course.

But Leah only gets to meet him. Not spend the day. That's alright, I'm spending it with Justin.

"Macy were here! Eeek" Leah said. Acting excited.

As we entered we showed the guard our V.I.P passes. Allowing us to go straight to the front row. The concert was starting in 30 minutes top.


30 minutes later 


"Hey guys I'm Justin Bieber, how y'all doing?" Justin announced making a dramatic entrance.

He was in a cage coming down from the top. Everyone cheered and screamed at the top of the their lungs. I joined in.

"Okay for my first song I'm gonna sing my new song 'Baby' (A.N- remember this is 2 years ago so baby would be new) then he started.

"Woah, woah, woah ,wooaaahh

I know you love me, I know you care

Shout whenever, and ill be there

You are my love, you are my heart

And we would never, ever, ever be apart."

Justin sung the rest, then finished. We applauded.


Soon the concert was finished. He did amazing.

It was my first ever JB concert, and I loved it. Well time to go meet Justin.

My tummy had so much butterflies, I felt like my stomach was numb.

"Hey Macy, the said enter c'mon" leah woke me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah alright"

We entered. And there he was. Sitting down on his phone. Probably texting Jasmine, his new girlfriend.

"Oh sorry, umm hey I'm Justin" Justin greeted coldly. What's up his pants?

"Hi! I'm macy and this is my best friend Leah!" I shinned.

"Oh hi." He replied

"Hi Justin" Leah talked.

"Ill give you an autograph then" Justin acted annoyed.

He grabbed two pictures and signed them, then passed them to us.

"Eek thanks!" Me and Leah said

"Ok which one of you are staying for the day" Justin asked.

I slowly raised my hand. "Me..."

"Oh kay. Um I'm kinda busy and Leah is it, it was nice meeting you, but I need to give this contestant a day" Justin coldly said... Again.

Gosh he's so moody...

"Okay by Justin!" Leah gleamed and moved into a hug with Justin.

He flinched but lightly hugged back and pulled away quickly.

Then Leah left.

It was me and Justin.

"I'm gonna talk to my manager." Justin said through gritted teeth.

"Okay" I replied.

He went I saw Leah's signed poster on the desk. So I decided to get it. I walked over and heared yelling from the other room where Justin went...

"Why do I always have to put up with these crazy fans! Gosh there so clingy, and annoying. Now scooter I have to spend a day with HER, and nobody told me until the concert ended! I was meant to go out with Jasmine! Argh!" I heard Justin shout.

That brought tears to my eyes. I wouldn't cry over him. No I won't.

My idol was a spilt brat, and hated me. I should have known dreams don't come true.

Justin Bieber was a brat.

Just a jerk.

Like everybody else.

Never trust your hero's.


They will break your heart.

From now on...I hated Justin Bieber.

I burst the door open and screamed in tears.

"Really? It that what you think of fans? Annoying, clingy, stupid? Well remember Bieber at the end of the day, WE were the ones that made your dream reality. And now I learnt to NEVER trust your idols. There you got it! Go to Jasmine. I'm going anyway!" And I slammed it back shut.

I ripped up my signed poster, I lost all trust, and Beliebership.

I hate you Justin Bieber.

Forever and always.

~*End Of Flashback~*

And still today I hate him. Always will...


How was it?








Thanks for reading :)



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