Chapter 17; Fly's And Make-Up

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[A.N]- Would anyone like a dedication? Just write on my notice board thing, and I'll keep giving out the dedications :) I got 4 fans from the last chapter, making me have 25... I think, anyway I'd like that thank you all for the support, even though this book isn't the most popular, and to all my silent readers. Even though they don't vote, they give reads, but can you guys vote too? Thanks, it means a lot, because this is the first book I've ever written. So yeah, I've found sometime to update 2 out of 3 books, in time for school, that's in 2 weeks, and if I have more this my newest book will be updated :).

Last thing, there is about another 10ish chapters left in this book, and its drawing to a close, :O. So Vote, Read, Fan, and all that :).


Chapter 17;


Have you ever been so confused that you feel your heads going to burst?

Cause that's how I felt.

As soon as I saw that scene...

I walked through my door crying, running up to my room.

To be honest I don't know why I was crying, maybe because I was mad? Jealousy? Rage? How could Lia kiss him like that?

Argh! How could I have only realised? His perfect smile, teeth white as pearls, gorgeous- What am I saying?

For the rest of the day I listened to music, not bothering to eat, last thing I then fell asleep.


I awoke in the morning with my earphones still in, I looked at my phone to see it dead. I sighed, picking it up and connecting it to the charger and switching on the plug.

I walked into my bathroom, and hopped into the shower, washing myself, and rinsing off the memories of yesterday.

When I got out, my toes, and finger's were all wrinkled.

I took out my hair dryer and turned it on, drying my hair, until it wasn't wet anymore.

Walking over to my wardrobe I pulled out my matching leopard print bra and panties, pulling them on, and then grabbing a pair of light blue, short, denim shorts, with a white, thin, sleeveless blouse, tucking it in the shorts, and puffing it out a little.

Then I took out my curling iron, and began curling my hair.

25 minutes later I was finished, I sprayed some hairspray over my head, and put a little bit of make-up on.

A little foundation, mascara, and lip gloss.

The house phone started ringing. "Hunny get the phone will ya please I'm a little busy!" My Mom yelled.

I ran over and grabbed the phone, clicking the green button and placing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Oh hey Mace its Cole, we haven't talked in a while, and I was kinda busy lately, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Yeah, sure, I was just gonna go out to the park by myself, so meet me there, I'll be on the swings"

"Cya Macy-hunny-boo"

I laughed. "Cya Coley-woley"

I grabbed my phone to see it was almost full, then put it in my side bag, with my lip gloss, mascara, eye-liner, and wallet.

Sliding my feet into my light blue Supras, I walked there, knowing Cole would have took his car, plus I wanted to walk.

I got there 5 minutes later to see Cole already on the swings.

His appearance didn't change at all in the month I hadn't seen him.

I smiled and ran over, hugging him. Forgetting the awkward date.

"Coleeey!" I yelled, most of the park's heads turning to us.

"Maaacy!" He yelled back, hugging me so I couldn't breathe.

"Cole-cant-breathe" I got out.

"Sorry" he replied

"God, I haven't seen you in ages!" Cole exclaimed

"Yeah like what 2 months?" I replied.

"Let's swing on the swings!" Cole took my hand running to the swings.

"Hop on, I'll push you" he sat me down. I laughed.

He started pushing the swing, until it got really high.

"Keep going!" I yelled. I loved the wind in my face, and going high.

He pushed more, my eyes were now squinted, then I opened them wide.

"FUCK!" I screamed.

Cole immediately grabbed the swing, slowing it down, taking seconds before it completely stopped.

"What? Are you okay? What's up Mace!" Cole frantically yelled.

"I've got a fly in my fucking eye! You think I'm okay? The stupid bastard fly!"

"Here open your eye, I'll take it out."

I opened my eye, looking up, I felt Cole's breath against my face, as he removed the fucker from my eye.

Great I bet my make-up was ruined.

"You got a mirror Cole?" I asked.

"Yeah here wait" he gave me a mirror the size of my hand. I laughed.

"Hold it, I need to quickly do my make-up"

He held it in position as I did my make-up, when I was finished, I placed everything in my bag.

"Cole that's it, were going home" I told.

"Were-to-uh yanno my house? Okay yep c'mon!" Cole said suspiciously...

I frowned. "No my house silly let's go!" My face smiling as I took his hand.

"Um-okay, can I just... Quickly use the phone?"

"Sure?" I replied, sounding like a question.


Cole's POV. <-- [A.N]-You Better Love Me For This! *********

I dialed the number's and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" They answered.

"Um-second thought, were coming early, by that I mean now" I replied.

They groaned. "Okay hurry guys!"

Then they put it down.

I smiled as I walked back to Macy...


[A.N]- Even If Its Short;)

Yeah I'm sorry if it's short... But its ment to be! I thought it would be good to end here, and the next chapter should be up in 1-2 Weeks top :)

But you need to VOTE•COMMENT•FAN!

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