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M: I found you

S: Stalker much

M: It wasn't that hard you know, there are not a lot of girls named Samuel.

S: I guess not

M: So, Samuel, where are you from?

S: Philadelphia, you?

M: Washington

S: I've never been to Washington, how is it?

M: Political, touristic.

S: When did you move here?

M: Right after my first year of college.

S: What did you major in?

M: I didn't. I left after my first year

S: Ahah ok! What were you trying to major in then?

M: Law

S: How convenient...Murphy's law

M: That's me!

S: So you didn't like law?

M: Nope. Books, laws, court, judges...not my cup of tea. What about you? Even been to college?

S: No, I haven't.

M: College is fun, but studying sucks.

S: So you became a caterer.

M: I'm actually a baker.

S: Oooh, cookies.

M: And cakes, and cupcakes, and brownies, and every kind of dessert you can think of.

S: Why baking?

M: I don't know. I'm good at it, and it's a nice job. You get to meet people, go places. Why flowers?

S: Because it smells nice!

M: What's your favorite flower?

S: I have many, some for their smell, or color, some for their meaning or just their funny name.

M: Like what?

S: Although I hate the form of that flower, I like the ranunculus because it means "I am dazzled by your charms".

M: Yes, my charms are incredible, I know!

S: Way to turn something in your favor.

M: It's a talent.

S: That and thievery.

M: It's not stealing if it's yours!

S: Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll be right someday

M: At least they are good cookies, I'm not stealing crap.

S: So you admit to stealing?

M: Maybe.

S: Thief.

M: Samuel?

S: Murphy?

M: Do you like sushi?

S: Who doesn't?

M: A lot of people, but that's not the point. I know this really great place downtown. Maybe we could go sometimes.

S: Sure, that would be fun.

M: How about Friday night?

S: Friday works for me.

M: Just to be sure we're on the same page, this is a date!

S: I know. I'll even bring flowers.

M: You would have even if it wasn't a date.

S: What's your favorite flower.

M: I don't know, I don't know flowers.

S: Bad move Stein, now I'm going to have to bring my flower dictionary with me Friday.

M: If you do, I'll have to use my amazing escape lie!

S: There's an avalanche in your backyard?

M: My uncle is in the hospital, he needs a kidney transfer and I'm the only match.

S: Clever.

M: So Friday, meet me at the bakery?

S: Where is it?

M: Right next to 11th station, on Ludlow street.

S: What time?

M: 6?

S: I'll be there. With flowers.

M: I'll say thank you even tho I think it's cheesy.

S: Think what you want.

M: Good night, knight Samuel.

S: Good night, Murphy the thief.

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