The name Murphy

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The city looks beautiful at night, even more when you're walking around with someone that makes your heart race. Murphy's hand is warm against mine. Her grip is strong on my palm, she's not about to let go. The night is unseasonably warm for spring, it feels more like a night at the end of July.

-Samuel? She asks me, breaking the comfortable silence we were in.


-How come you speak Spanish?

-I learned a few years ago, school requirement.

She nods like this explanation is exactly what she was expecting.

-Where is your family from? I ask her.

-Puerto Rico and Israel.

-Israel? I ask, surprised.

-Yes! I mean my last name is Stein, that's not Puerto Rican.

She winks at me.

-So you're Jewish?

-Yes and no. When a couple who don't share the same religion have kids, the kids usually take the mother's belief. So, following that logic, I'm catholic because of my mother. But my family is not very religious. My Puerto Rican grandma is, but the rest of us don't go to church or nothing.

-Do you have any siblings? I ask her.

She starts laughing like crazy. We stop walking and I just stare at her, not sure why she's laughing.

-I'm sorry! She says between two chuckles. This is just my favorite question of all time!


I must look so confused because, with one look at me, she starts laughing again like crazy. When she finally calms down she takes a few steps, pulling on my hand so we start walking again.

-I have a big family, she tells me, still giggling a little.

-How big?

-I'm the first child of 10, she says.

-WHAT! You have nine brothers and sisters!?

-Yes, she laughs again. God, you should see your face!

-I'm just...I mean, it's not very common. People usually don't have big families these days.

-You would be surprised! In my neighborhood, we're only the second biggest family, and there are a lot of families with like 7 or 8 kids.

-And you're the oldest of 10! That's insane!

-Yes, a bit! Let's just say I know pretty well how to change diapers!

I laugh.

-And from what I heard earlier, Oscar is your brother?

-Yes, he's the youngest. He's not even a year old and he's sick a lot.

-That sucks.

-And December is my sister, she's not even a year younger than me.

-How's that possible? I ask, feeling like this topic is just way too insane!

-My mom got pregnant again I was only two months old, so we're 11 months apart.

-Wow! Two babies in one year...I couldn't do that!

-Me either! With the number of siblings I have, I'm not even sure I want kids!

The seriousness of her face makes me laugh and she starts laughing too.

-December, where does that name comes from? Is she born in December?

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