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***word from the author***

I am so sorry guys!! I've been soooo busy!! I just finished school and planning my upcoming move since I'm going to university next year in another city! Please forgive this tired puppy for not posting often. I'll try to be better!

Look at my tired eyes!! 😂😂 Anyway, I hope you like this part and are looking forward to the next chapter!!

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Look at my tired eyes!! 😂😂
Anyway, I hope you like this part and are looking forward to the next chapter!!



I haven't stopped thinking about Murphy since she asked me out. I like how bold she is. I'm also very glad she asked me out, I wouldn't have had the balls to do it. I'm not the extravert type, or the eccentric type. I'm don't think I'm any time, maybe just quiet or something. Ky had a whole lot to say about my date. It's not that he wasn't happy for me, it's just that me going out with a girl made him lose his bet with Jo...Apparently my dating life is the source of their new betting game. Ky lost 10$ because he said I wouldn't go on a date before my birthday, which is in October. I know him betting on me like that is kinda mean, but Ky often forgets other people have feelings. If you want to be friend with that white-haired jerk, you need to learn to get over his mean words. Anyway, after whining for an hour he finally moved on and took me shopping for a new outfit for my date. But, since Ky is way too intense when he shops, I ended up buying four full outfits and two pair of shoes. He's lucky I'm not broke all the time because with his shopping addiction, his love of woman fashion and his unbearable need to choose all of my clothes I would be on the street. I bought four shirts that kinda all look the same but not really. Well, all my clothes always look the same. I only have one rule when I shop : if it's not black, put it back! I own mostly black, white, gray and some blue, but that's it. I love shoes though! All kinds of shoes, all kinds of colors. I do have a thing for Vans, mostly their Disney collection. Yes...I'm that kind of dork. The chances of me wearing black and heels on my first date with Murphy are very high!


I'm wrapping the white and pink lilies I choose to bring Murphy in a nice paper when the bell over the door rings.

-I'm sorry, we're closing, I say, not looking up as I'm trying to close the paper around the flowers.

-Can you stay open a little longer for me? Asks a voice I know so well.

My mother is smiling at me next to the displays of cactus. I give her a smile as she walks over.

-How have you been honey, she says, pressing her hand against my cheek like she always does.

-I'm ok, I answer.

-You look tired. Are you feeling all right?

-Mom! I'm fine!

-All right. How's Cepa?

-He's fine. He got over his bath rug situation.

-That cat is so strange.

I smile to myself. That cat is the best cat in the world because he's strange. Normal cats are boring. Well, they are still cute, but they just sleep and eat. Cepa has his own little character, a big personality. Sometimes I think he's more human than me, and I'm the cat.

-Who are these flowers for? Mom asks, looking at my bouquet.

-Just someone, I say.

-Someone important? Someone I should know about?

-Maybe. We'll see.

-All right, she says with a smile.

-Why are you here? I ask her, realizing that her being in this store is odd since she never comes here, ever.

-I'm having dinner with Evan on the other side of the street.

-How's he doing?

-He's exhausted, poor boy. Becoming a physicist is hard.

-Tell him hi for me, ok?

-Sure honey. You should come to the house soon, we just repainted the living room.

-I'll see what I can do, I say, knowing very well I won't be going there anytime soon.

My mom looks suddenly very uncomfortable. I guess it's normal, we just ran out of the usual small talk we serve each other.

-Well, I better run. Have fun on your date!


She turns toward the door, sending her long hair flying over her shoulder. I get a whiff of her perfume and for a moment I'm brought back to the house, my childhood, her presence. Nowadays, my mom and I are strangers. But not in a bad way, we just grew apart. It happens, it's not because she gives birth to you that you have to always be close to her. Ursule walks in from the back store, a big empty vase in her hands.

-Was that Carol's voice I heard? She asks.

-Yes, she was just here.

Ursule looks at me for a moment through the glass of the vase. She puts it down on the counter, still looking at me, places one hand on her hip and looks at me funny.

-Why the sad face? She asks.

-No reason, I say while picking a card to go with the flowers.

-Samuel, you need to put all the behind you. You should be enjoying life! Stop reliving these sad days.

-It's not that easy and you know it.

-It could be, you just need to leave the past where it belongs and move on with your life.

I look at her with a warning glance. Ursule knows I can only take so much of this "change your life" crap.

-Well, I'm going on a date, yeah. Isn't that a step toward moving on.

She smiles and winks. I give her a smile too because I can't stay mad at her. She comes closer, wraps her small chubby arms around me for a moment, the let's go of me and picks up her vase. She's such a mom to me sometimes. More a mom than my own mother...

-Have fun tonight Samuel. The flowers are beautiful by the way.

-Thanks. And I will.

I take my bouquet, grab my bag and I'm out the door.

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