our baby ( larry Stylinson)

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It used to be a lovely family, but what happens when their all living with so much lies? What happens when Harry and Louis finds out their Daughter is doing drugs and their son is abusive over his sister? Or do they find out? And what happens to the rest of the family? Mike and Luke? Luke is only 4 years old, while Leo is 18, Mike 16 and Darcy 13. Read to find out

I woke up sweating and shaking, apparently it was just a normal night.
Almost every night I wake up screamingl, I feel bad for waking up the whole house, specially my dads.
I call Harry Daddy
And Louis Dad, it's a lot easier that way.

When I woke up all worm I saw dads sitting next to me, I don't like when they worry about me, I don't like feeling like a kid.
Louis looked at me and whispered
"Everything will be alright"
He always said that, I never knew what it meant with it, he didn't know what was going on in my life.
I looked at my parents and told them to leave me alone and get out of my room. I hated the feeling of someone protecting me or loving me.
I love the feeling of hate in some way, even if it's killing me.
Louis left the room to go check if Luke was sleeping. I asked Harry to leave, but he just stared at me with his green wet eyes while a tear slipped down his cheeks.
Daddy kissed my forehead and said goodnight.

I woke up the morning wondering what really happened in the night.
I walked down the stares and I saw my whole family eating breakfast, wide a awake as I was Luke ran over to me to show me his transformer toy for the thousand times since he got it.
Daddy said with a morning voice
"Good morning love, I made breakfast"
I looked at the plate of pancakes for a second but then I told him I'd eat in school.
So I went back up to put on the clothes that I choose yesterday, but when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a fat girl think she actually was something in life. I was to tired too look for new clothes so I just took them even if I thought they made me look fat. I usually stand in the mirror for a while looking at my body and pointing out what needs to change, but the list was already so long so I didn't do that this morning.
When I was ready and went down stares Leo was waiting for me, he always drives me to school, it's on his way to collage anyway so why not.
In school I don't have a lot of friends, that's why I'm only there once in 2 months, I ship school a lot. I used to get bullied a lot for having gay parents and it actually hunted me a lot even If I was strong enuf to break the bullies arms.
But then I met this guy, he showed me how to take the pain away, he needed someone to try drugs for him and stupid as I am I was willing to do anything to make my pain go away but he tricked me into drugs.
I started doing drugs when I was 13, I had no idea how easy it was to get obsessed, my parents didn't know anything about it, they didn't know about skipping school either, until today.
I came home and Harry and Louis was shitting in the kitchen waiting for me, I looked at them and they both looked angry but most sad, I looked them in the eye and it was that tear again.
Louis told me to sit down.
I was so worried and I was still high, if they find out about the drugs I don't know how to explain to them that drugs is nothing I want and I would love to be free from it.
Harry said they an angry voice
"where the hell have you been? skipping school for the past 6 weeks doing what?"
Louis interrupts him
"What are we suppose to do with you little girl?"
I look at them and says with a kinky voice
" you do what you always do Louis, nothing"
In my family it's mean to call my parents by their first name, I only do it to piss them off.

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