1. The Ex You Just Can't Forget

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Part 1: The Dark Sides of the Zodiac

Aries - Rude, Selfish, Demanding

Taurus - Greedy, Materialistic, intolerant

Gemini - big mouth, fickle, hidden agenda

Cancer - clingy, moody, childish

Leo - arrogant, hyper sensitive, bossy

Virgo - fussy, cowardly, belittling

Libra - liar, promiscuous, phony

Scorpio - jealous, obsessive, controlling

Sagittarius - sneaky, haughty, unreliable

Capricorn - sadistic, power hungry, overbearing

Aquarius - noncommittal, distant, secretive

Pisces - manipulative, flaky, self-pitying

Part 2: The signs as ex's

The ex you just can't forget: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius

The ex you can't help but stare at: Taurus, Leo, Libra, Virgo

The ex that you suddenly remember while doing random things: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces

Part 3: Most to least likely to hate school

1. Capricorn

2. Aquarius

3. Taurus

4. Virgo

5. Scorpio

6. Libra

7. Cancer

8. Leo

9. Aries

10. Pisces

11. Gemini

12. Sagittarius

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