5. Finally Subscribes to Hulu Plus

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Part 1: How the Signs Overshare

Angry/salty rants: Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn

Excited gushing about something they love: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Emotional stress rant about personal life: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces

Part 2: The Signs Being Rich

Aries: "I'm going to every concert ever. I bought all of iTunes. No one can stop me."

Taurus: Saves most of money but throws huge fucking parties every Friday with Nicki Minaj.

Gemini: "What if I bought a boat and invited people on my boat only to tell them to get the fuck off my boat?"

Cancer: "I've bought 10 dogs already today. Tomorrow I buy the world's population of cats."

Leo: Buys own island and names it after themselves and everyone who lives there are dogs and friends, no one else ever.

Virgo: "I made a blog to update people on my rich life. I just booked Beyoncé for my birthday party."

Libra: Millionaire by age 20 and takes the lyrics "I'm gonna swing from the chandelier " too seriously.

Scorpio:  Finally subscribes to Hulu Plus.

Sagittarius: Wears black lace Elie Saab designer gown with necklace of diamonds and walks slowly down spiral staircases.

Capricorn: Buys 3 summer homes and a castle while on their private jet.

Aquarius: "I'm going to buy the five oceans. I am Poseidon."

Pisces: "I filled my pool with champagne and now I don't know what to do."

Part 3: How the Signs Measure Their Life

In daylight: Cancer

In sunsets: Leo, Virgo

In midnights: Aries

In cups of coffee: Aquarius

In inches: Taurus

In miles: Libra, Capricorn

In laughter: Sagittarius, Pisces

In strife: Scorpio, Gemini

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