6. I'm scared they'll devour me, so I devour myself

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Part 1: Zodiac Signs - I'm Scared \ So I

Aries: I'm scared they won't hear me \ So I scream louder

Taurus: I'm scared they need more \ So I'm giving it my all

Gemini: I'm scared they won't like me \ So I become another

Cancer: I'm scared they will leave me \ So I don't let them in

Leo: I'm scared they'll forget me \ So I keep reminding them I'm here

Virgo: I'm scared they'll find better \ So I keep being the best

Libra: I'm scared of their opinions \ So I silenced mine

Scorpio: I'm scared they will hurt me \ So I won't let them know me

Sagittarius: I'm scared they will lock me \ So I keep running away

Capricorn: I'm scared they won't be satisfied \ So I never rest

Aquarius: I'm scared they'll make me one of them \ So I'm staying outside

Pisces: I'm scared they'll devour me \ So I devour myself

Part 2: You Can Count On ...

Aries and Leo: To stand up for you.

Cancer and Virgo: To understand you.

Gemini and Sagittarius: To make you laugh.

Capricorn and Pisces: To cheer you up.

Libra and Scorpio: To make you feel special.

Taurus and Aquarius: To be weird with you.

Part 3: Most to Least Likely into Fall Out Boy

1. Sagittarius

2. Aries

3. Leo

4. Gemini

5. Aquarius

6. Libra

7. Scorpio

8. Pisces

9. Cancer

10. Capricorn

11. Virgo

12. Taurus

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