3. Singing and Dancing and End Up Getting Walked In On

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Part 1: The Signs Listening to Music (Alone)

Dancing like crazy: Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius

Singing extremely loudly: Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra

Singing and dancing and end up getting walked in on: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces

Part 2: The Reasons the Signs are Fails

Aries: Butterfingers

Taurus: Mumbles

Gemini: Inappropriate winking

Cancer: Psycho thoughts

Leo: Hates letting others use their laptop

Virgo: Dislikes human interaction

Libra: Spiral of lies

Scorpio: Procrastination

Sagittarius: Can't sleep

Capricorn: Has near-death experiences

Aquarius: Room's a mess (especially the sock drawer)

Pisces: People can't touch your neck. Ever.

Part 3: Zodiac Signs - Sweet Things About Them

Aries: is the best company

Taurus: is wise and knows what's best

Gemini: is sensitive to others

Cancer: is friendly and warm

Leo: is lively and free

Virgo: is appreciative of the smaller details

Libra: is romantic of all aspects of life

Scorpio: is genuine and honest

Sagittarius: is aware of the greatness in others

Capricorn: is protective and supportive

Aquarius: is able to forgive and refresh

Pisces: is respectful to other people's needs

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