The Second Time

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Janice, Lisa, Beverley, Paula and myself became inseparable, whether it be shopping, at the gym, nights out it was always the four of us.

Beverley would attract the males like bees around the honey pot, pick her escort for the night and the rest of us fought over her left overs, well I didn't get involved, I was left with the reject and half the time I could understand why they were the runt of the litter.

However it didn't matter how good, bad or ugly they were they never got past first base with me, the others had given up on trying to get me to loosen up and respected my wishes so much so, that they would often help fight off any over zealous suitors, who wouldn't take no for an answer.

It wasn't that I was a prude okay I was still a virgin, but I still had this hang up courtesy of one Richard Freeman, leaving me to believe that all men wanted was a quick hook up and then move on.

Now I know some girls like that idea as well and my friends are living proof of that, but I'm more of a long term commitment type like my parents, who have only ever had each other, met in school and been together ever since.

That is the type of relationship I want, but as my friends keep trying to drum into me times have changed and you need to do a lot of test driving to find the right car, so we beg to differ on this point, though it doesn't stop then trying if they can get away with it.

But today I was nervous around my friends, who am I kidding I was terrified, you see when it was someone's birthday, then that meant it was time to party and the person who's birthday it was always got absolutely drunk, I can't remember my name or where I live and I'm sleeping here, because I don't care what the nice policeman says, drunk.

And your dear friends​ record all this to humiliate you for the rest of your life and guess what today is?

That's right my birthday and unfortunately it falls on a Friday, which means tonight when all the nightclubs are open, you get the picture.

And to make matters worse because as they say I am such a straight laced prude that tonight I was in for a treat, because they weren't letting me go home to the safety of my parents house in Woodstock no! Tonight I was being Shanghaied and taken to Janice and Lisa's​ parents house in Headington where I was to be dressed and preened by my three so called friends.

Which knowing them will involve me showing a lot of flesh and balancing on ridiculously high heels, plus the fact they will get me drunk and throw me to the wolves, which in this case would be every eligible bachelor in the nightclub.

The one saving grace is that they will rescue me before, I being drunk and the man being a male get into some serious mating issues.

So here I am secured in Janice's​ bedroom wrapped in a large bath towel, while my three friends stand around me arms to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction, in this case make up, hairdryer, straightners, a dress, hang on is that underwear on the bed? You have got to be kidding me there's not enough fabric in them to make a decent size handkerchief let alone underwear.

After what seemed like the forever, the arguing ceased and I was declared fit to face the world, the girls had been kind enough not to let me see what they were doing to me until the end and now they nodded that in fact I could now witness what they had done to me.

And all I could see... OMG!

If that was me staring back out of the mirror then they had proved the proverb wrong you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

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