No Holes Barred

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Feeling nervous, though I don't understand why, I made my way to Jonathans office.

Shit no it was Richards office, or soon would be, why oh why couldn't Jonathan stay, then I wouldn't be in this position right now.

Pausing at the door, giving myself the once over, which was only an excuse to delay the inevitable, I threw my shoulders back and took in a deep breath.

I can do this, get a grip girl, he's only a man, sure he maybe a hot man, but still a hot man that dumped you twice.

Gaining the extra piece of courage which was needed I knocked on the door and entered on command.

Richard was seated behind Jonathan's desk, tie askew and the top two buttons on his shirt open, jacket now adorning the back of his chair, leaving him with a very snug fitting crisp white shirt, stretched to its limit across a broad chest and with his sleeves rolled up.

I was now officially a person who's brain and commonsense had been removed as I stood still and stared, probably with my mouth open drooling, I didn't just give him the once over, I complete undressed him with my eyes and the thoughts I were having would make a porn star blush.

The clearing of a throat to Richards left bought me back to earth and a quick shake of my head returned me to the present and the bosses office.

My face automatically turning to the person awaking me from my fantasy's, shit it had to be Jonathan and by the look on his face he knew where my mind had been, he then winked causing me to blush and turn of course to face my tormentor HIM!.

Yep! He knew it to as his smirk was wider than Jonathan's.

"Yes Miss Summers how can I help?" Relaxing back in his chair placing his hands behind his head, causing the shirt to pull tighter across his chest straining the buttons to breaking point.

The bastard was doing this on purpose and I was struggling not to play his game.

Twice I reminded myself not once but twice, do I want to make it three?

With this internal chastisement my brain now had the power to overcome my libido and the cracks in my walls began to self repair.

Mustering all my hidden strength I returned his gaze and with a quick intake of breath.

"Sir" I started and it came out with a force that I was proud of, I wasn't going to wilt for this man again.

"Mr Butler has asked if he could meet with you as he has a few questions only the new boss can answer"

"I see" Richard muttered rubbing his chin, then as if a great idea had suddenly sprung into his mind, he clicked his fingers and pointing at me continued his conversation.

"Marie arrange it for friday we will travel up to Manchester attend the meeting and stay the weekend just to be sure that nothing else gets in the way of the deal"

What spend a whole weekend with him, are you kidding me!

Hiding my panic, I couldn't form a coherent sentence so I just nodded.

"Good then will you please do the necessary and let me know the details"

"Certainly Mr Freeman"

I let out a silent breath as I turned and headed for the door.

"Oh and Marie, you of course will be there as well" Richard added as I reached the door, with my hand resting on the handle I turned and forced a smile.

"I will be there as Mr Butler requested I should attend and I would not like to let the potential customer down, shall I book a place for you as well Jonathan"

I couldn't help the pleading in my voice and eyes, as I looked him in the face, I saw a little twinkle in his eye before he spoke.

"Sorry no can do I am busy with a charity luncheon, one that I must attend to keep the wife happy"

The liar, I know all this appointments and Susan his wife always rings me to make sure Jonathan is free so she can book his time.

But I just answered.

"Oh okay" though the glare I shot him said anything but.

And there was that twinkle in his eyes again as he gave me a smile.

I had known this man for a while now and I knew he was up to something though I didn't know what.

"Damn" I cursed under my breath a whole three fricking days with him, then a thought entered my head, oh yes two could play at this game Mr Freeman, I couldn't help the smile that spread over my face, as the details of my master plan came together.

Reaching my desk I quickly logged in and looked for hotels in Manchester, I found the very exquisite Lowry Hotel and booked a suite for Richard, then I phoned the Abode and booked a room for me.

At least now I wouldn't have to see him at night time as soon as our business was concluded we would then return to our separate hotels and if nothing else cropped up with the deal we could stay in different parts of the city, until it was time to return home.

With the smile still on my face I arranged first class travel for us on the train, I had even debated the idea of me traveling in standard class, but knew we would be going in firms time and I would need to be at the beck and call of my boss.

Feeling fairly pleased with myself, I made sure all the arrangements were made and in place, before drafting an email to Mr Butler and one to Richard, I made sure there was no mention of me staying in a separate hotel, I would inform him after the meeting with the excuse all the other rooms were booked.

Now everything was in place for the weekend, I wrapped up the few chores I had to complete before I left for the night and shutdown my computer, grabbing my bag and coat, I hurried to the stairs and my car, once there I could drive home back to Woodstock and safety.

I just prayed the weekend would come and go so I could get on with my life.

What I didn't realize was that Richard was not as easily fooled as I thought he would be and I was in for a large shock before the end of the weekend.

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