Dinner Revelations

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The minute I stepped into my suite I was awestruck, sure I've seen pictures in magazines but nothing prepares you for actually seeing it in the flesh so to speak, the place was huge a massive lounge with an L-shaped settee, a television that took up most of one wall, the bedroom was to die for, a huge bed dominated the room while floor to ceiling Windows present a fantastic view.

And the whole place oozed ultra modern decor, yet made it feel sophisticated and classy.

Though I would love to have stayed in and explore the whole suite properly, even to find time to relaxing in the large bath that stood in the middle of the bathroom maybe venture into the huge shower that could easily fit four people in and then curling up on the large L-shaped sofa and watch the ginormous television, but alas I only had a few hours to get ready for our meeting with Butler and Turner.

So huge four people shower it was then, the next problem I faced was finding something that I could wear in the company of three well-known sophisticated millionaire businessman and in that department my wardrobe came up short.

As it turned out I needn't have worried as a loud knock on my door resonated through the suite and when I answered it, an elderly  gentleman asked for me by name and when I nodded asked if he could leave the boxes inside the door as Mr Freeman had specifically said they must be delivered directly to Miss Summers immediately. He carried the large box in with two more smaller bags hanging from his arm.

Ok now I was officially worried I was not stupid, I realised that this was a dress box and the other bags would be matching accessories from some top end store that I couldn't afford to window shop in, let alone buy anything from.

But what concerned me more was how in the world Richard knew that I would need a dress and the bigger issue was how did he know my size because when we were together before, a total of two days and only spenting one night together when I was a lot younger and a lot different then.

But still I couldn't look a gift horse in the mouth so being the dutiful employee I'm open my surprise wardrobe and let out a huge gasp when I saw the gorgeous dress that I would wear to the meeting that evening it looks far too beautiful for such a formal meeting.

A shimmering silky emerald green dress that hung just below my knee but hugged all my Curves in the right places made me feel beautiful as I twirled in front of the huge mirror hanging on the wardrobe doors, with the accompanying shoes, handbag and jacket, plus! and this had me blushing all over again, a small bag from Victoria Secrets to finish off the whole ensemble.

Just as I finished adding the last piece of makeup there was a knock at my door and there stood Richard in a form hugging Suit and as we both scanned each other from head to toe, I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips at the handsome Adonis standing in front of me, before I could say or do anything else Richard grabbed my arm and placing a finger under my chin tilting my head up until I was staring into his hungry eyes.

"You look breathtaking he whispered in a low husky sexually charged voice, that made my body tremble with desire.

"Come" he commanded offering me his arm.

"Your chariot awaits my lady"

And off we set for the evening meeting.

The restaurant was called The French and was situated in the Midland Hotel and deemed to be one of the best eateries in Manchester, according to Richard.

We were seated at a table with Mr Butler and Mr Turner whom I had only ever met once.

After the preliminary introductions and handshakes were over the group of us sat down to peruse the menu and order our meals a prelude to discussing business.

After everyone had finished eating and we sat around the table nursing our coffee, things became a little bit more serious as the true reason for this meal was now to be realised and finally the business deal was to be flushed out and hopefully signed and sealed.

Mr Turner seemed to be sizing Richard up across the table, trying to read his facial expressions gauging his sincerity.

Then he throws out a complete curve ball.

"Why are you not married, I read you were in a meaningful relationship with that judges daughter, what's her name"

"Diane Melbrook and no we were not in any type of relationship meaningful or otherwise" he snapped out.

"Oh I thought..."

"Then you thought wrong" interrupted Richard.

It was then that the three males realised this was not the way to go to form a working business deal.

Richard let out a long drawn out sigh.

"Look Mr Turner, if my personal life is of interest to you to secure this deal then let me tell you, some stone cold facts, my parents own Freewise Investments"

At this Turner and Butler both took a sharp intake of breath and muttered shit under his breath, as did I.

Freewise was big, I mean huge big, one of the biggest in the world big and in all this time I didn't know it belonged to Richard's parents, I knew they had money and owned a business or two, but Freewise, wow! why didn't he go into the family business, after all he was the heir apparent, there had been rumours abound as to a missing heir to the Freewise conglomerate, but it had all been hush, hush and no-one seemed to know or piece the jigsaw together, till now.

As though he read my mind Richard continued.

"Well my parents..., how can I say this, have always been rather ambitious and very very obnoxious, they believe because of their money that they are above everybody else and should be treated so, even to the point of being worshipped by all around them including their son, they believed that I should take after them and be just as ruthless and cutthroat as they are, so much so that they tight restrictions on me, meaning I was not allowed to make any decisions on my own that would conflict with what they expected from me."

Richard stopped and took a deep drink from his pint of beer, looking around the table at the three of us, as we sat there spellbound, waiting for more of the plot to be revealed.

"Well my mother contradicted lots of my decisions this caused more than one falling out session, but it all came to a head when she took two decisions out of my hands and because of that the course of my life changed, I grew a pair and stood up to my parents, I had to breakaway from their hold if I wanted all that I was after in my life" he looked at me and smiled, a rather sad smile.

Another pause and still utter silence on our table, nobody, spoke, ate, drank or even breathed.

"So I made the decision to leave my parents domineering ways and start up on my own and luckily it worked out for me and I was able to get away from their overbearing presence in my life and live my own life, where I dictated what I could do, trust me it didn't go down well with either of them and they even went out of their way to try and destroy me but I held out and now I have nothing to do with them"

Yet another pause, another swig of beer.

"Sure they have tried to persuade me to go back, as I'm their only son and with my father's health deteriorating and nobody else they can hand the reins over to, but they want me to come back on their terms and take over running it the way they dictate, but I will not go back to my old life, I have plans I need to see through"

The last part of the this statement was made staring at me.

Mr Butler looked between me and Richard as a smirk spread over his face.

"I see it now, good luck, now let's get this deal done and get on with lunch"

Had I missed something?

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