Royal Paintball?

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'Paintball counters?' I parroted. Amber immediately shushed me.

'Now, I am aware we have a new student in this class today?' the teacher looked around. 'Don't be shy now.'

'She at the back.' A boy coughed.

The teacher lifted diverted his attention to the back of the classroom. I turned to ask Amber what was going on but realised she was all the way at the other side of the room, huddling close to a group of girls. I looked at her, puzzled. She briefly motioned for me to keep my head down when suddenly, Mr Wide Grin himself was standing in front of me.

'Hi?' I looked at him blankly, still trying to guess the charade Amber and the group of girls were motioning behind his back. Three crosses? Britan's got talent? What?

'You must be new.' he said, still smiling. Maybe it's his first day on botox. 'Thyme, right?' I nodded.

'Would you be interested in become this year's Queen?' he continues. Amber and the girls behind him broke out into a furry of head shaking and more arms were crosses in the shape of an 'X'. They looked like they were dancing. I giggled, staring right through Mr.Botox.

'I guess that's a yes then!' Mr Botox took my hand and cheered. The boys cheered with him while the rest of the girls looked at me all apologetic. What just happened? 


'Oh God I'm so sorry.' A girl approached me, handing me a sandwhich before walking off. I looked at the sandwhich. Ham and cheese. Mmm... I could do with more lunch.

'THYME.' Amber shrieked as she came charging towards me. If I let her hug me at this point, I could break a rib. If I didn't... I didn't even think. I stepped aside and she ran past me. It was a good thing she noticed she had missed and slowed down before touching the wall a good 50metres away from me. Panting, she walked up to me and hugged me. Awkwardly, I hugged back before prying her off me. I only met the lady today.

'Now tell me what this is about.' I said, staring at her.

'Lets go for a coffee. I'll explain everything.' Amber made hand movements as if to calm me down. No, Amber, I don't think that's how it works.

We sat at a cafe. She had gotten me an Americano and a slice of cheesecake. I could get used to all of this free food.

'Now.' she started as she took a deep breath. ' RPAINT you see in your timetable stands for 'Royal Paintball.' I lifted and eyebrow and she waved a hand in my direction.

'It's like PE. Anyway, this school is very big.' I nodded in agreement. ' Because it's split into two schools. Royals and Commoners. We commoners, are the minority here. We are the chickens in their egg farm. But once in a while, some chickens must be taken to be slain and eaten.' She made a face while I stabbed at my cheesecake.

'Every three years, the Painball Counters are held where a team of Commoners go against a team of Royals in paintball.' I snickered. She waved her hand at me again. 'This is serious!' I put my hands up as if to surrender and let her carry on.

'The best of the Royals will go up against the best of the Commoners for their Queens.' she said finally.

'Are we any good?' I ask, genuinely curious. How good could a pack of rich scumbags be? I've beaten up plenty.

'We are. Most of us are better most of the Royals,' She said happily while I clapped my hands together 'However we always lose.' Her face fell.

'What? Why?' I inquired wide-eyed.

'Basil.' she whispered as if saying his name was a crime.

'Basil?' I repeated while she stared at me in shock.

'He is the prince of the Royals.' she began 'The most skilled of the Royals... the most dashing too...'

'Amber, we're drifting.' I snapped my fingers in front of her. She blinked and turned as red as her hair.

'We fear for you Thyme.' Amber sighed, noticed how confused I looked and continued ' None of our Queens have returned... in one piece.' 

'Oh my god are they going to kill me?' I interrupted her, a smile threatening my lips.

'This isn't funny Thyme!' she snapped, clearly frustrated. 'Depending on how many people are left on their team after all of ours are taken out, that amount of people would get to...' She purposefully paused for the last two words so that they could sink in.

'Do the Queens get to play? We aren't chained up are we?' I asked quickly. 

'The Queens get to play. But normally they don't because they don't know how.' she replied, eyes downcast.

'We just have to shoot them like normal paintball right? Once?' I said quickly.

'Royals have different health bars depending on how well they do in gym, similar to us Commoners. We have more though.' she added helpfully as she sensed my panic.

'But how many times have we won?' I leaned in. I watched Amber fidget in her seat. 'Tell me. Once? Twice?' She looked up at me with the saddest eyes. 

'We've never once won.'

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