Oh believe me.

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'Hello?' a small voice broke the silence. 'It's Thyme. Thyme Cider?'

I sat up right, nearly hitting Marianne in the face.

'Hello?' she said again.

'H-hey!' I spluttered. Not cool. Marianne, who was beside me raised an eyebrow and propped herself up on her elbows. 'Feeling better?' There was a long pause at the end of the line and I gulped.

'Yeah.' came a distant answer. 'I'm calling because I guess I still owe you one. For you to...explain?'  I thought I'd forfeited that luxury.

'Yeah. When are you free?' I composed myself. I wasn't going to turn into an obsessive freak in front of Marianne.

'Weekends.' came the short answer. Well, it was a start.

'Great. How about I take you out for lunch and dinner?' I said, a little too eager.There was another pause over the phone.

'Lunch is fine.' her voice was steady and stern.

'But there's a lot to talk about. I don't think an afternoon is sufficient.' I explained quickly. Another pause. The suspense was killing me.

'Fine.' I heard her sigh. 'Pick me up tomorrow then. I trust you know where I live.'

'I do...' my words didn't reach her as I heard the dial tone at the end of the line.I stared blankly at my phone and turned to see Marianne playing with the bottle of blood.

'Was it the girl with the delicious blood?' she shook the bottle, watching the crimson liquid swirled.I nodded. 'I'd love to meet her.'Her fangs erupted from her mouth. I snatched the bottle from her. It was mine for safe keeping.

Thyme thought she was the only girl in my life. I wasn't about to introduce my fiance to her, no way.

'Not now, but trust me. You will soon.' I said smoothly. She rolled on her back and looked up at me with honey brown eyes, one thing I loved about her. 'I have found a rare specimen. A fox.'

'Brilliant.' she drew out the 'Rs' 'I've never had a good meal in a while.'

The hours past quickly and soon, I was standing outside Thyme's house once again with a bouquet of roses. I knocked on the door. On the third knock, Thyme opened up looking irritated. I took her hand in mine, kissed her fingers and handed her the roses. I noticed her blush. She took the flowers into the apartment and was out again in a jiff.

'Where would you like to go?' I asked when we were finally in my car. 'Any cravings?'

'Surprise me.' she sounded bored. Inwardly, I groaned. This was a tough nut to crack.

I decided on a diner close to my mansion. Who knows, I might be able to seduce her this time round. The whole journey, she seemed tensed. She didn't move from her position in her seat. I tried to search her thoughts but was met with a very tall intimidating wall. She had learnt to block me out. Smart girl.

'It's a pretty long ride.' she said all of a sudden, looking out of the window. 'You aren't kidnapping me are you?' It seemed like a very good idea now that she had said it.

'No, of course not.' I cleared my throat. 'It's just that the diner we're going to is really far away. But the food is good.'

'I didn't know demons ate.' she threw at me. Oh so I was a monster to her now? I gripped the steering wheel harder and said nothing. The whole journey was silent. She didn't look at me. She just watch the trees pass. Everything made me feel like she was doing it as part of a chore and I noticed myself feeling a little sad. Maybe I just wasn't used to the rejection.

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