Identity crisis.

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Gone. Everywhere I looked, I couldn't find her. I even tried that hallway we were at previously hoping she would be there waiting for me. Frowning, I continued down the hallway when I caught sight of Blake's teacher.

'You.' I shouted at him. He visibly froze. 'Come here.' I waved him over.

'What's wrong, Prince Basil?' He asked, not meeting my eye.

'I'm looking for the Commoner's Queen,Thyme Cider. I believe you teach her class?'  I looked downwards at him.

'Y-yes. I do.' he managed.

'May I know where she is? Perhaps a copy of her timetable?' I tapped my foot impatiently.

'B-but prince. A student's timetable can only be handed to the student himself. I-I have no right to-' I lifted an eyebrow at him, the rythm of my tapping getting faster. The teacher stopped mid sentence. 'I-It seems I have a spare right here...' He forced out, shuffling through his files and pulling out a small slip of paper. I snatched it from him and waved him away. He scurried away. 

The top of the slip of paper read 'THYME CIDER'. She seemed to have many free periods. Was it because she was Queen now? I walked over to a bench and sat down, pulling out my own timetable to compare. She had the same break time as me. I smiled and carried on analysing the sheet of paper. There was one day where her class was very close to mine. Probably opposite my block... I calculated the distance in my head. Getting off the  bench, I walked off towards the exit of the Commoner's wing.

-Basil's mansion/home-

I reached my doorstep, kicked off my shoes and shrugged off my coat.

'Did you read this book?' my hearing picked up a woman's voice. 

'Yes. It's darling! Soul mates. Imagine having one! Not needing to look for anyone else once you find yours?' another voice swooned.

Then it hit me. I don't have to seduce that fox. I just had to make her buy my story that I was her soul mate. What could be stronger than fate itself? I smiled at how smart I thought myself be and pushed the mahogany door open.

'Slacking off again?' I asked the two maids icily. The maids froze, rooted to the ground. 'Catch you again and I'll have you sacked.'

'Y-yes master Basil.' they replied with a bow.

If it was any other day, I'd have thrown them out on the spot. But it was them that gave me such a great idea so I guess I could let them off just this once.


I got out of my red ferrari and looked at the time. Early again. I smiled and almost skipped to the Commoner's wing only to be intercepted by Celia.

'Basil darling! Are you going in there again?' Celia pouted while I inwardly groaned.

'Yes.' I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself from simply walking away from this conversation. Time was ticking and Thyme would be walking through those gates any minute.

'I really missed you.' she drawled, attaching herself to my arm. Bullshit. I could smell other men all over her. What has she been doing? Having a menage a trois? I scrowled and pushed her off. 'How cold.' she whimpered.

'Look. I really have to...straighten things out the the Commoner's Queen. It's for your reputation as well as mine so leave me alone!' I almost shouted at her. She looked stunned.

'For me?' I read her mind and watched as her face redden. She had taken it the wrong way again. Irritated, I turned and practically ran to the Commoner's wing, checking my watch at the same time. I still had two minutes to spare.

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