Crosses and holywater

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I opened my mouth to let out a scream but Basil's hand flew open my lips, silencing (and suffocating) me.

I struggled against him but it was no use- he was too strong. I felt myself paling as he leaned down towards my neck. I shivered in fear and anticipation as his fang grazed my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut and only managed a whine into his palm. Without warming, I felt two sharp points pierce my flesh. I screamed. Hard enough to be heard from behind his big hand and pounded my good hand against his chest. He growled.

Oh my god. I was going to turn into a vampire because Basil bit me. How can this happen to me? What's going to happen to my love for garlicky dishes? Is it too late? Am I already...infected? No. That's not possible, he's only bitten me for three seconds. Don't vampires have this venom thing going on? I doubt he likes me enough to turn me so he's... he's going to kill me.

Without thinking any further, I gathered all my strength and pushed him off. Blue flamed erupted from my fingertips onto his chest as he flew off me and crashed into a row of lockers. He stared up at me, shocked, while a trickle of blood dripped from an exposed fang onto his plain white tee. My blood. I would have stayed to kick his ass but I knew better to go against something that wasn't even human. I staggered backwards. My hand flew up to my neck, covering the bite mark. I turned and ran.

I ran as if the devil was on my heels- except right now, that phrase was pretty literal. I didn't dare look back. My heart was pounding so loudly I couldn't hear right. I couldn't sense him nor smell him but I wasn't about to take any chances. I took a right down the hallway followed by a left before running into a fuzzy red ball.

I screamed. The red ball screamed.

'Thyme you scared me!' a familiar voice screamed. 'Ohmigosh you're bleeding! What happened? Did Basil do this? That damn bastard, I'll kill him!'

The sound of his name alone made me go rigid. Amber noticed and pulled me off the ground.

'H-he's after me.' I stuttered. 'I need to get out of here.' I was practically shaking. Leaning on my left wrist, I winced. It didn't hurt as much just now. Maybe I only sprained it.

Amber nodded and pulled me out of school.

'Why are you following me?' I asked, my vision getting hazy.

'Thyme, you're bleeding. You can barely walk straight and...' Suddenly my legs couldn't support the full weight of my body and I slumped over Amber. 'What the... Thyme? Thyme!' Then everything went black.


She smelled too good to resist. The smell was tempting me. It was her fault! I bit her and took a few gulps. It was pure heaven. The sweetest, most satisfying drink in my many years alive. I could hear her frenzied thoughts. Muttering and chattering. Something about me killing her. Darling, I'd never. That was when she pushed me.

I watched her in awe. Blue flame licked her fingertips. Her vest had a rip near its collar and her hair was messy again. A drop of blood slid off my exposed fang onto my white shirt. Breaking eye contact, I examined the stain. Such a sweet smelling stain. What a waste of blood though. When I looked back to stare at her again, she was gone. I heard her footsteps in the distance.

'She had run from me again.' I thought. And for the first time, I felt my heart sink.

I lifted myself off the ground and winced. She had broke a rib again. I cursed under my breath as I limped down the hallway she had run through. Her scent lingered everywhere and I took it in, savouring everything free smell I got. Occasionally, I took a breath through my mouth as if trying to taste the air. Regretfully, it didn't work but it was worth a try.

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