Moriarty: #3

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Pairing: Jim Moriarty x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood

You knew your boyfriend had a secret.

You knew Jim Moriarty had a secret, but you thought it may be a side job, or a love for knitting or family matters.

You didn't think he was a murderer.

"Jim darling! I'm home!" You sang, closing the front door behind you and dumping your belongings on the couch. You carried groceries into the kitchen and put your keys on the counter.

You turned on the stove to begin dinner and popped open a bottle of wine. You poured some into a glass and had a sip as you turned on the kitchen tv.

You figured Jim was upstairs taking calls, as he usually was at this time in the evening. You slipped off your heels, sighing as your feet got some relief.

You worked on dinner, chopping up vegetables and making potato soup, Jim's favorite. You watched the nightly news and finished the soup. You poured some into two bowls, sprinkled some cheese on top, and carried everything to the dining table.

You poured Jim some wine and called him down.

"Jim, darling! Dinner is ready!"

You sat down and waited patiently, sipping at your wine. You got through a whole glass, and had to pour yourself another.

You sat for what seemed like forever, alone. You finally stood when the steam stopped rising from the soup and the wine was no longer cold.

You walked through the kitchen and up the stairs, calling again.

"Jim! The soups gone cold!"

You climbed the stairs, checking his office first. His desk chair was empty, so you moved to your bedroom. You opened the door and saw Jim sitting on his side of the bed, his back facing you.

"There you are darling! I have potato soup and wine waiting for us in the dining room." You chirped, walking towards your love with a smile on your face.

You turned his shoulder around to face you, and froze at the sight. Jim had blood all over his shirt and neck, dripping down his face.

"It's alright darling. Just had to take care of some business."

You clutched a hand to your chest and backed away.

"Is that blood yours Jim?! What happened?!"

Jim stood up and moved cautiously to you. He took your hands in his.

"Darling, none of it is mine. I am ok. I just had to take care of some people who wronged me. They're dead now. They won't bother us anymore." He said softly.

Your heart was beating out of your chest as you stared into his dark eyes. Your mind was screaming at you to run, to call the police.

But you didn't. You took one look at those deep eyes of his, and made your decision.

"Give me your clothes." You demanded, holding a hand out.


"Give me the bloody clothes. They need to be washed. Then go have some dinner and I'll mop this up." You gestured to the puddles of blood on the carpet.

He smiled and gave you a passionate kiss.

"I love you, no matter what." You whispered after he pulled away.

"I love you too darling. We'll talk more tonight, ok? And we can do that one thing you like......" He winked before he changed clothes and headed down to eat.

Taking a few deep breaths, you started to clean up, tears silently streaming down your face.

You loved him
You loved him
You loved him

You repeated it over and over again in your head as you covered this up.

You'd do this for him.

You'd ignore the fact that he was a murderer and god knew what else.

You'd ignore whatever felony he threw at you.

Because you loved him.

And love was madness.

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