Chapter 17

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Sprites all around laughed, danced, singed, ate, and drank as the festival began. The evening sun shined brightly through the open canopy of trees and the sprites opened their wings to let the sun's warmth catch them. Children laughed and chased one another around a pole that had a flag flying high above it. Some of the children threw leather balls to each other. Men sat by the tables drinking away while the woman gathered near their children talking about the latest gossip. And most of all, the sprites that had recently returned from their enslavement, spent time with lost family and enjoyed the time they had also lost from being down in the mines.

Karma, sat down at one of the many tables, watching it all happen. It made her feel good, really good in fact. She had saved many lives today and she did not regret a single thing. Karma also knew that she was still tired, but she wanted to stay and watch the lights that night. Then after that she'll be like a bear during its hibernation. She smoothed down her dress as it started to come up on her. The dress was tight around her torso and it flared down by her legs. It was the color of a sunrise on a cool summer's day. Karma found it on her bed when she returned from her meeting with Queen Luska.

There was a letter on the dress that said:

For the festival

Karma thinking that the queen herself wanted her wear the beautiful dress, she slipped it on. She never really liked dresses, but if the occasion called for it, Karma would wear one. "Well don't you look pretty," Omar said. He came over to her with a goblet of wine. Passing it to her, he took a seat.

"Thanks," she said. "You look handsome as well." Omar laughed at that. He wore a several blue colored tunic with black leggings. 

"If only Mika were here to see to this. She and Hope would love to be at the festival."

"Yeah, too bad they didn't come," Karma agreed. "But there's always next year." Omar didn't respond as he took a sip from his goblet.

"The wine's good. You should try it." Karma did. The taste was bitter and yet sweet. Like a Sour Patch kid, she thought. The wine had a mix of several berries, she had later found out, with a hint of likin which is a type of lemon that grows in the Sprite Clan.

"Interesting," she said and sat her goblet back down on the table. "So, when do we leave to head back home?"

"Diffidently not tomorrow, I don't think we'll have the energy to make it." Omar said taking another sip of wine. "Especially Dagner." They both looked over at the dwarf as he took gulps from two mugs filled with ale.

"You think he's going to have a hangover tomorrow?" It wasn't a question, but Karma couldn't help saying it. Omar snorted.

"You kidding? That dwarf could drink thirty cups tonight and not have a single headache in the morning." They both laughed enjoying the moment of peace and joy. The rest of the evening was spent eating, drinking, and small talks. Karma danced a little, but never too long. Dancing was never her thing. Though, Nector had asked her dance with him and Karma didn't want to deny the sprite. Omar preferred to stay in the shadows and watch the others dance.

He never liked doing things out his tradition, he liked sticking to his elven ways, but of course that never did stop him from enjoying the day. Omar liked watching the others and he liked talking to the different people around him. Taking in a deep breath, he watched over head as the stars started to appear.

When the dancing slowed and the music stopped, several sprites gathered around the center of the festival with papier-mâché lanterns in their hands. Karma stood on the outer ring of sprites who also had paper-mâché lanterns in their hands. Dagner stood beside her with a mug of ale in his stubby hand. Omar strolled over to the dwarf and his already drunken smile grew wider.

"Thar you are!" Dagner said. "Thought ya never come-hiccup!" Omar carried two lantern with him and handed one to Karma.

"Thought you'd want to join in on the fun," he said and stood on the other said of her.

"Thanks," she said and waited for the inner circle of sprites to release their lanterns. Karma heard them whisper: one... two... three, before they released their lanterns and watched them float up into the sky. One by one, everyone else released their lanterns as well and they all watched as the lanterns floated around Yunalla like a bunch of fireflies. It was the most beautiful thing Karma had witnessed. She had seen scenes like this on shows and movies, but to see it in person was a whole other story.

After what seemed like an hour, the lanterns slowly started to disappear into the night sky. The quiet moment then stopped, and sprites started to talk lively again as they started to enjoy the rest of the festival. That's when Karma said goodnight to her companions and went to go into palace to catch some more sleep. As Karma made her way to the palace, a moving shadow in the distances caught her attention. Karma moved along the trees.

"Hello?" She called. "Anyone there?" No one answered. She shrugged and turned to go back. Two strong hands suddenly flashed toward Karma and grabbed her. She went to scream for help but one of the strong hands reached up and covered her mouth and nose. She smelled chemicals and before she registered what it was, her world became dark.

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