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All of my life, I’ve always felt used, like people always wanted something from me. My family was the cause of all of this. As a child, I was literally taught everything the wrong way. But that didn’t get me to become this sort of monster unlike my parents and the rest of my six sisters, three younger and three older. I guess you could say I became an orphan at the age of eighteen, two years ago to be exact, but then again, I was a legal adult at the time so my parents had no control over me. The thing is, my parents could care less what I did with my life. I mean they were always whining all my life about how their life sucks, but look at them now, they’re the famous Jorgenson’s, everyone wanting to be just like them. It’s just like the Khardashian’s but three hundred times worse because I was related to them. Ever since their reality show, Jogging with the Jorgenson’s, started up two years ago, I didn’t want to be anywhere close to associated with them. They’ve always been these stuck up snobs that thought that they were better than everyone else, and I don’t want to become that kind of person. People have told me that I was a very determined person that stayed close to her goals. I guess you could say I got it from my parents. God, I hated them so much. Why did they have to ruin my life along with everyone else in the country? 

Exactly two years ago, I was supposed to go to college to study criminal justice but my family took all of the college money that I had saved up and used it on their stupid show. This is how much they cared about their own daughter as to take away her only dream. I got over that quite quickly as I found a job at a secret detective agency, working as an alias in different kinds of criminal situations. It was the closest I could get to criminal justice and quite frankly I loved it. Only two people at my job knew who I actually was, my stylist, Alisha Franklin and Nolan Perry, who helped me with all of the crime scenes I had to be in. If I ever had to mention my first and last name, I just told people I was Zara Quinn, hoping there wouldn’t be a long questionnaire afterwards.

My position called for so many different crime scenes, drugs, murders, assaults, etc, but never did I think I would have to deal with Hollywood ever in my life. I guess life tends to throw you off course and ruin your life. I was about to enter a rollercoaster that was about to take me in for a long bumpy ride. 

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I hated being called a Womanizer. That’s not who I am but the paparazzi always end up biting me in the ass every time. I actually don’t believe in being in a committed relationship anymore considering the reputation I’ve had with relationships in the past. They all fucking broke my heart and I don’t think I could take it anymore. I dated my best friend from high school, Elizabeth Bush, for three years until she found someone else that basically swooped her off of her feet. Then, there was Taylor Swift. She was the first woman I think I actually thought I loved. She made me believe that love was real, well that was until she did her typical ways and broke up with me. A week later, she was all over the tabloids dating one of the Kennedy brothers. Kendall Jenner was pretty much the same way, but she used me for love. She thought it was okay to fall in love with me just to break up with me all at the same time. My most recent break up was probably the worst of them all. My relationship with Priscilla Jorgenson was complete and utter bliss. I really thought that this time I had found the one and she wasn’t going to break my heart. I was wrong once again. I found her, well actually the paparazzi found her, making out with one of her exes from high school, and then I read about it online. Do you see why I don’t do relationships anymore?

Well, the paparazzi think I’m a womanizer because apparently one mere encounter with a girl is considered a hook up in their language. The worst part is that the general population of the world believe every single bullshit lie that they post on the web.  I just needed to find something to show them that I wasn’t the guy they thought I was. I told myself I was never going to be in a committed relationship again in my life, but the again things change and life takes you off course in a whole other direction that you never expected it to take you, things and people that you can’t just take back with the click of a finger.

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A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Hey friends! Just trying something completely new out. I hope you like this as much as the Liam story. (Please check that one out please though. The premise is about something really close to my heart).

If you would like to help me make a trailer for this story once it gets going.... I will love you forever!! :)

Share it with your friends cuz it's gonna be eepppiccccc!!! :)

Our lovely Harry on the side. :)


pATRI :)

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