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Name: Harry Styles  Age: 20

Mission: Stick to my promises.

♚  ♚  ♚  ♚

“I say you should tell management about your breakup with Priscilla,” Niall suggested, resting on the couch and bouncing a tennis ball off of the wall.

“I wish it were that easy though,” I sighed resting at the kitchen table, flipping my phone in between my fingers.

“Common man,” Niall pleaded “what happened?”

“I don’t know if I want to tell you because, really, it’s bad but…” I sighed.

“Harry…” she giggled “can we do this somewhere else…”

She continued to giggle as I kissed her, leaving little kisses down her neck, her soft spot.

“But don’t you like this?” I said huskily, pushing open a door leading her to bed as she fell and I fell on top of her, chuckling.

“Yeah but…” she pleaded “oh whatever, just do it, sexy.”

I grinned at her, and continued to leave kisses of trails down her neck, slowly feeling my hands reach her blouse and started unbutton it. She brought her hands near mine and helped me make it easier by doing it herself. Soon after, her bra was visible as I left kisses down her upper chest all the way down her belly. She giggled in pleasure.

“Priscilla?” I heard a voice boom from behind me, specifically a male’s voice.

We both shot back from what we were doing as I faced the person at the door. It was a muscular looking guy about my age, who had spikey brown hair.

“Greg?” I heard Priscilla croak out next to me “what are you doing here?”

“What’s going on here?” he questioned her, giving me the dirtiest look ever.

“It’s nothing…” she continued to croak out.

“Priss…” I looked at her “who is this?”

“He’s no one, Harry…” her voice trailed off.

“Oh, so I’m no one to you?” Greg’s voice boomed.

“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” Priscilla started to look more and more flustered.

“Apparently you did considering you’re hooking up with One Direction here,” he hissed.

I felt my heart drop and my head spinning at the moment “I’m her boyfriend!”

“Um no,” Greg denied with a confused look on his face “Priscilla?” He turned to her.

“Greg, I can explain!” she pleaded.

“Well then explain!” his voice boomed once more.

“I just don’t know where to start. I guess…” she looked even more flustered than before.

“It looks like you can’t,” Greg interrupted “I kind of figured out what’s going on here. It’s not that hard.”

And before she could say anything more, he turned around stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Explain!” I ordered, feeling the fumes coming to my head.

Secrets - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now