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Name: Zara Jorgenson   Alias: Molly Pinkerton   Age: 19

Mission: Keep getting him because apparently I didn’t do it “right” the first time.

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“Why didn’t you get his number?” Nolan hissed at me as we were sitting in his office again, him on one side with his laptop open and me on the other side in a chair looking at him dumbfounded.

“Don’t you find it a bit weird to ask someone for their number after just meeting them?” I sneered “plus he’s like extremely famous. I don’t think he would want to give me his number in the first place.”

“You weren’t being sexy enough,” Nolan claimed.

“What does that even mean?” I threw my hands up in the air in utter confusion.

“It means he likes sexy!” Nolan clarified “not scared and wimpy.”

“I am not a wimp!” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Well then show me,” he added “you have to be at Hollywood studios for a perfume commercial in about an hour.”

“Great this better be good,” I muttered.

“Now go!” Nolan motioned with his hands to shoo me out of his office “we want progress here.”

“You’ll see,” I smirked “I’ll get him this time.”

I smiled sinisterly before fleeing out of the room.

♚  ♚  ♚  ♚

“Oh there you are!” an older looking man approached me “I’m Carl. I’ll be producing this whole commercial.”

He gave me his hand, as I shook it with a big smile on my face “I’m Molly.”

“Nice to meet you Molly,” he responded, pointing me to a part of the warehouse room “I want you to go over to hair and makeup so they can fix you up, along with your clothes.”

I nodded and motioned myself to the crowd of women working with other models. The first empty stylist motioned me to sit and worked on my hair for about thirty minutes, curling it in the way she pictured it, making sure it matched the rest of the models. Then, she dragged me over to clothes and made me try on about six different combinations of outfits. Finally, she made me stick with the royal blue dress that literally almost made my butt hang out. I had to deal with it, it was my job after all. Then, she made me wear heels so high that I could barely walk in. She told me that I had to match Harry’s height because I was too short for him. I mean I wasn’t that short, I did do that photo shoot with him the other day.

“Molly, honey!” Carl called “I want you to come meet the other models.”

I noticed him close to the white backdrop area and walked up towards him. Next to him were the models with one which looked a whole lot familiar.

“This is Molly,” Carl introduced me “get to know each other a bit before we start shooting.”

He turned around and left us models alone.

“Oh you’re the girl from the photo shoot the other day,” the platinum blonde haired model pointed at me.

“Oh right, you’re Perrie, right?” I questioned for clarification.

“Yeah I sure am,” she smiled at me “what are you doing here again?”

“My manager asked me to model here,” I groaned, picking at my nails, not even looking at her “I didn’t know I was going to be seeing the same people.”

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