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Name: Harry Styles    Age: 20

Mission: My love life sucks. I have no mission.

♚  ♚  ♚  ♚

“Harry, man, we have to go in fifteen minutes!” Niall hollered “get your scrawny ass up!”

“Stop moping around man!” Zayn added “you’re putting the rest of us in a shitty mood!”

“Give me fifteen more minutes,” I moaned still in my bunk as I heard everyone else running around the tour bus.

“You’ve already been in there for fifteen minutes,” Liam hollered “get up mate!”

I buried my face under my pillow so I could muffle out their constant bickering and whining. I didn’t need to hear shit from them; they didn’t know how I felt. Why should they care then?

Suddenly I felt someone tug at my feet. I gripped onto the mattress but it didn’t work too well; they were too strong and I came stumbling to the ground squishing Liam and Niall who were right under me.

“What the hell, mate?” I groaned.

“Seriously, we don’t have time for your moping,” Zayn asserted “Let’s go! We have to be at the venue in five minutes and you’re still in your jammies.”

“Just tell us what happened last night, mate,” Liam insisted.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I grumbled, getting up and tidying myself off from the dust of the floor.

“Well, if you don’t want to talk about it,” Louis added “don’t make anyone of us feel like crap over something that happened to you. We don’t want it to be like last time.”

“Fine,” I muttered, grabbing a set of clothes that I set out the night before, and walking straight for the bathroom.

They don’t know shit. It happened again and this time I didn’t think I can take it anymore. She lied to me; our whole relationship was a lie. Why would someone do such a thing? She just wanted the money but what I didn’t understand was, why? She already had all the money in the world. She was a freaking Jorgenson for crying out loud! I knew I should have stayed away from them, I knew they were trouble. They were always waiting for trouble. They randomly showed up in Hollywood two years ago. I don’t understand why they became so big in the first place. They don’t even have talent, all they do is use people and that’s what happened to me, again! I really thought I had something with Priscila; I really thought it was love this time, but I was wrong once again. I was always wrong. I just wasn’t made for the relationship world. All of the relationships I got into, always turned into complete crap. I’ve made a decision; I wasn’t going to get myself into a serious relationship anymore. There was no point, I was just going to get heartbroken again and I didn’t need that in my life. It hurt too much.

I finished brushing my teeth and changing, and styling my hair perfectly, making sure the curls were in its usual perfect position.

I went back out to the bunk area. “Let’s get this show on the road,” I muttered, throwing my jammies into my bunk, and prancing towards the exit door of the bus.

They didn’t say much else and followed suit.

♚  ♚  ♚  ♚

I heard the crowd screaming and chanting as 5SOS were still up on stage jamming to their usual set. The fans are slowly starting to obsess over them. This was our last show of our Take Me Home tour and I was very pleased how everything turned out. I’m glad we picked 5SOS as our opening act. They were a ball of fun and super talented. Tonight we were in L.A. and the crowd was crazier than ever. All those girls already knew all of 5SOS’s song lyrics. It was amazing how fast they could spread the word about this band because they were surely getting big.

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