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Name: Harry Styles     Age: 20

Mission: Staying friends with Molly Pinkerton might be quite hard. She's quite hott.

♚  ♚  ♚  ♚

"So, how'd it go?" Zayn asked as I entered our apartment.

The boys were all spread across the living room with assortments of music on paper and instruments. 

"You will never believe who our new flat mate is," I announced, making my way to the couch and plopped down next to Niall, bouncing him up a bit from my sudden jump down.

"It's not that pizza girl you flirted with last week, is it?" Louis asked jokingly with his knowing smirk spreading on his face.

"No," I sassed "it's um..." I stuttered, cleared my throat and coughed the rest, covering my mouth "Molly Pinkerton."

"Sorry, we couldn't hear you there mate," Liam spoke up.

"Could you not cover your mouth this time?" Niall added with included sass.

I grunted and this time whispered, "Molly Pinkerton."

"I couldn't hear that. Could you say that again?" Louis joked, who was sitting across the room with his guitar.

"Molly Pinkerton!" I screamed it out and then covered my mouth realizing that was sort of too loud.

"You mean the chick from all of those shoots?" Niall's eyes widened in shock.

"The model?" Liam added, him looking shocked as well.

I nodded at both of them and added in protest, "Before you say anything, nothing happened."

"The usual," Louis coughed into his sleeve.

"No, really. We declared that we'd only be friends," I clarified.

"And you think friend-zoning her will work?" Zayn questioned me.

"It's so obvious you like her mate. I mean why else would you friend-zone her?" Liam noted.

I had enough of their talking and being against me that I just burst out and snapped at all of them, "Just stop, okay. This is my decision, not yours, okay? She's my friend. I mean what's wrong with me having a friend? That actually never happens to me, so it's nice to have this change, and if you guys don't like that, well then, that's your problem."

"No need to snap at us, mate," Niall spoke up shortly after my outburst. "We just find it funny that she would friend zone you. I mean when was the last time a girl that hot has done that to you?"

"For your information, Elizabeth did that with me," I huffed.

"Then you two dated, and soon after she broke your heart," Liam added.

"So there you go," Niall concluded.

"Just because that happened to Elizabeth and I doesn't mean it's going to happen to Molly and I," I implied.

"Common, Harry, face it, you're the guy who dates and not befriends," Zayn remarked.

"I thought you guys were supposed to be there for me but I guess I was wrong," my straight face spread to a quick frown.

I got up from my spot on the couch and walked away, towards the front door.

"Mate, we're just trying to look out for your best interest!" Louis called from behind.

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