Chapter 21

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A/N:Hey guys! thank you for reading this lame story i made hahaha but ive decided that i'm gonna end this story soon but dont worry! there will be 9 more chapters to go until the ending so I hope you'll still stick until the end also i'm thinking of a book cover contest if you want to participate send it to me on my twitter ChubitaWP, so here is the Chapter 21! HOPE YOU ENJOY



I was enveloped by a bright white light but the feeling of air and wind behind my back gave  me a feeling of falling.It made me ralize that I WAS really falling.I can feel my heartbeat beat faster and I tried to take a look down but all I saw was white clouds.Even though the feeling of falling made me scared it also gave me a calm feeling.I started to be relaxed and closed my eyes.Then I felt a strong feeling of me crashing into something,like a body.

I opened my eyes but I immediately closed it because of the bright light.I squinted my eyes and adjusted to the lighting.What happened?I don't remember anything.I felt someone breathing beside me and I saw Carson...

"Carson" My voice barely a whisper.I felt my throath run dry.

I felt him move and I moved my hand to hold his.He looked up and saw me awake.He standed up immediately.

"Lorry? Are you ok? Do you want water?" 

I nodded my head and gave me a glass of water.I immediately took a big gulp on it.

"Im gonna call the doctor" I just nodded my head and he immediately rushed out and called for help.The door immediatley opened and I saw my parents.They worriedly rushed over me and my mom held my hand.

"Oh thank god my baby is awake!" I saw tears running down her face while smiling and hugging me.

"Lorry what happened? Are you feeeling ok now?"

"Im fine mom.How long was I asleep?"I gave them a smile.

"You've been asleep for 3 months Lorry!" answered Dad.

What?! 3 months? It just felt like a quick one!

The doctor came and Carson too.They checked my body and asked some questions.I answered all I know and a few moments later they excused themselves out of the room.

"Baby were gonna just buy some food for you ok?" mom said while giving me a smile.She walked to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"He's been at your side everyday" she whispered to me.

Who is she talking about? Carson?

They left the room and I feel Carson looking at me.I felt him holding my hand.

"Lo-rry...I'm sorry..Im so sorry" I looked at him and saw his eyes glossy.Is he going to cry?

"I should've slapped you..Its all my fault! I dont know what happened to me and I lost control and-" I held his cheek.

"shhh. It's ok." I said and gave him a smile


I hugged him to calm him down.

"Carson It's ok.I'm fine" I whispered to him and I felt him calm down a bit and hugged me back.

"I missed you..I missed you so much"He said and hugged me tighter.

"I think you should rest."he said as we seperated from the hug.

I layed down on the bed but when I closed my eyes I remembered a name.I don't know who that is but it feels like this person is Important to me.Austin.

"You know Lorry I was so scared that I'm gonna lose someone important again."

"What do you mean?"

"I lost someone few years ago.I lost my bestfriend.He died in a car accident"

"oh Im sorry.How did he died?"I asked cause its somewhat familiar to me.

"He died saving a girl.The girl was gonna get run over but he jumped and saved the girl..." He put his head down and I know he was silently crying.

I felt my head hurt and this flashes of white and someone that have wings appeared in my head.I held my head and closed my eyes.

"Lorry?! Are you ok?!"I heard Carson ask while he has a worried look on his face.

"Lorry the story i told was a memory.The boy was me and the girl"  

  "Lorry I love you but I know that you love someone else.And im ok with that"  

I heard a voice said.Then I remembered a familiar face.It's all coming back to me now.

Me going to heaven,staying there for 3 days,angels,new friends,and Austin.

The hurting stopped and I sit there shocked.

"Lorry?! The doctor is coming don't worry.Are you ok?!" I heard Carson say.I looked at him.

"Carson...Whats the name of your bestfriend?" I need to know this if Im right.

He looked at me confused but he said it.

"His name is Austin"

Falling  (Carson Lueders)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ