Chapter 22

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Warnings: None

     ~Lachlan's P.O.V.~

"Dude that forest is fudging huge!" I comment, upon reaching the top of the hill.
"Well they don't call it the Lost Woods for nothing." Preston affirms.

The wind rustles the leaves and our hair, creating a sound similar to a rain dropper... Expect more wispy. The air is fresh and crisp, and the overall temperature here makes it seem like early Fall. An old worn out path cuts through the orange grassy ground, until the grass turns green, and the first of thousands of spruce trees sprout. From our point on the hilltop, we can get a good look at the massive expanse of trees. There's probably over a million. They stretch on and on and on until the green of their leaves joins with the blue of the sky, way off on the horizon. And in the middle of it all... Rob's somewhere in there. I spare a glance in Preston's direction. I don't really know what people look like when they experience nostalgia... But Preston's facial expression probably matches it.

"So correct me if I'm wrong... But from what I understand there's like an invisible path laid out. And... If we turn the wrong way, even just once, we'll appear back here?" Mitch questions.
Preston nods, "And it gets pretty dark the further you go in, so mobs can actually spawn. Even if it's the middle of the day. They just don't spawn as often."

I shiver at the thought of an unseen spider, stalking us, only to leap out of the darkness. It's fangs dripping, long spindly legs outstretched, and it's red flashing eyes on its gray hairy face. Ugh I hate spiders.

"Well then I guess we should probably get going. Preston, lead the way."
"Wait question," I cut in before anyone can move an inch. "Preston why don't you just turn into a bat lead the way from the air. You could probably see the flower yard from there, couldn't you?"
"It doesn't work that way..." Preston signs, morphing into a bat. "Watch."

The four of us watch as Preston flutters towards the trees. He goes to fly above them, and as soon as he reaches 2/3 of the way up above the trees, some invisible force is knocking him from the sky, sending him rocketing towards the ground. Luckily he catches himself before he becomes a bat pancake on the ground.

"Oh." Is all I simply say, as Preston changes back to normal.
"Alright then, if there's are no more questions, follow me!"

And with that, Preston starts marching into the woods.

"I sure hope he knows where he's going." Jerome whispers to me, the four of us following Preston like little lost puppies.


     "I swear I'm going to burn this entire flipping forest to the ground." Mitch groans, the five of us, yet again, finding ourselves at the entrance of the forest.

     It's already been over a day now, and myself along with everyone else, is getting sick of it. Every time we'd enter the Lost Woods, and start forward towards the middle of it. And every time, we wound up right back at the entrance, as if we had made no progress whatsoever. At this point, the notion of it all is really getting on my nerves, and I feel so salty that for a moment I consider punching a tree. I decide against it, but that doesn't stop Jerome, (who apparently was thinking the same thing) from growling and driving his fist into the bark of the nearest tree.

I open my mouth to join in with the complaining, when I'm cut off my Jerome, who had broken a log block out of the tree.

"Woah! Guys take a look at this!"

I cast a confused glance at Vikk, Preston, and Mitch, but they all shrug. So curiously, the four of us crowd around Jerome.

"Is that... An arrow?" Vikk questions.

In the middle of the tree trunk, now exposed since Jerome has punched a block of it out, there is a small black arrow, pointing into the Lost Woods. The five of us all exchange hopeful glances, before reentering the woods for the millionth time. But this time around... We go in about thirty blocks or so, and then Jerome uses his axe to chop out another section of tree. Yet again, there is a small blood arrow, this time pointing to the right.

"Could these arrows be leading us to Rob?" I inquire.
"There's only one way to find out." Preston states, walking in the direction the arrow points.

And so this continues, ever thirty blocks or so one of us removing a block out of a tree, and revealing a small black arrow. And after the thirteenth one, we happily realize that we have not once yet reappearEd at the entrance, and are indeed venturing further into the woods.

Every once in a while, we encounter a stray mob, which each time lasts no more than three seconds, and becoming nothing more than a piece of loot and a few small experience orbs on the ground.

"I can't believe you never discovered this, Preston." Mitch teases, punching off a block of wood.
Preston rolls his eyes, "Because it was totally obvious the path was laid out on the inside of tree trunks."

     The wood pops into a tiny block, and this time, although we don't really take much notice, a gold arrow points forward. And before we realize what's happening... The five of us are stepping into a large round clearing, with flowers littering the grassy ground. There must be every flower in all of Acrion here, ranging from sunflowers to lilac to poppies to tulips. And a single gray figure stands in the middle of it all.

     My jaw drops and I look at Mitch. "You didn't seriously..."
     "Did you just..."
     "Does that mean..."
     "Quite probably."
     "ROBBIE!" Preston cuts in, pushing past Mitch and I and running into the field.

     Mitch and I instantly dash after Preston, followed by Vikk and Jerome. Preston reaches Rob's paralyzed form first, and a few seconds later the rest of us arrive. Rob's position is a bit depressing. He's standing like normal, his hands by his side, and his face bears a wide smile. But it is not a happy one, rather a sad, helpless smile, and stone tears are still nestled in his eyes. Preston bounces impatiently on the balls of his feet.

     "Can I revive him now?!" Preston exclaims, looking like a child on Christmas morning.
     "We're not stopping you." Jerome chuckles.

     Preston squeals happily, probably the most excited out of all of us to finally be reunited with Rob. He touches Rob's shoulder, and instantly, just like every time before, a bright white glowing heart appears. We step back and shield our eyes as cracking sounds start to sound, and tiny thuds ringing out as stone makes contact with the ground.

     And then all at once, the remaining stone falls away, and Rob moves for the first time in one thousand years.

Question of the Chapter


My answer: He-row-brine

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