Delta Syndicate

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Lodestar is the team leader who is possibly the last Biosovortian from an unknown planet. He very careful to his surroundings, wanted to help the innocent, take things seriously, and won't stop until the job is done. He have the ability to control metal with the power of magnetism which he can pull, push, pend, and manipulate metal alloy which also give him flight. His weaknesses that this doesn't affect on non-metal elements. He is based on 15 year old Ben's Lodestar from Alien Force.

Murk Upchuck

Murk Upchuck is a team member who is a Murk Gourmand subspecies from the eaten planet Peptos XI and the current planet Peptos XII. He is basically the same as his twin Perk Upchuck in behavior and mentality, as they both like to eat but Murk Upchuck can actually eat food made by Earth. He his powers and abilities are the same as Perk Upchuck like the tongues, the huge appetite, and regurgitate matter as an explosion of energy. He all of Perk Upchuck weaknesses except for the ability to actually consume Earth food. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Murk Upchuck from Omniverse.


Nanomech​ is a team member who is possibly the last Nanochip (also called Nanomechian) from the Hive Planet. He is very sentient as most Nanochip are supposed to be in a hive mind by their queen, very sneaky, and clever to destroyed large obsicle.
He have to shoot electricity, launch energy balls, and can shrink Into a smaller size. His weaknesses that he may be sentient but he can still be control by a Nanochip Queen while still having his individuality. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Nanomech from Omniverse but have the voice of Ultimate Alien.


Rath is a team member who is possibly the last Appoplexian from the planet Appoplexia. He is extremely aggressive, very angry, stubborn, grouchy, very dumb, hate being called kitty or kitten, like Spanish wrestle, have a rivalry with Four Arms & Humungosaur, and scare of water. His abilities is that he have retractable bone claws on his wrist which extend when he's in a rage, have incredible strength, and skilled in wrestling. His weaknesses is large temper that can make his talk to much, argue with inanimate objects, and he can't swim in the water. He is one of the few aliens who can morph into an Ultimate Form which give size, strength, and an extra claw along with wearing a hunter outfit. He is based on 15 year old Ben's Rath from Alien Force.


Fasttrack is a team member who is possibly the last Citrakayah from the planet Chalybeas. He is basically the same as his best friend/rival XLR8 in behavior and mentality as they both do thing quickly, very impatient, and love to race with him along with Jetray. His abilities is speed like XLR8 along with stamina, flexibility, and agility but he is physically stronger than XLR8. His weaknesses is that he can't control how he stop, something not like what XLR8 can do. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Fasttrack from Ultimate Alien.


Chamalien is a team member who is one of the few Merlinisapien from an unknown planet. He is cunning, slay, mischievous, fearless,  sneaky, nosy, like spook others, and very great for being in place that nobody knows he was there. He main power is the ability to be invisible in a blink of an eye and have blade on his tail that he used as a weapon. His weaknesses that his shadow can show where he actually is despite being invisible and he can smell to those with great sense. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Chamalien from Ultimate Alien.


Shocksquatch is a team member who is one of the few Gemlimopithecus from the planet Pattersonea. He alway position, like doing jokes, enjoy movies that involves ape-like creatures, love to be a lumberjack, and enjoy Canadian culture. He power is electrokinesis which unlike the other emits from his entire body then arms or appendages and also have thick fur to protect him from the cold. His weaknesses that he cap be insulated which he can't produce electricity and extreme hot temperature can tire him up. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Shocksquatch from Omniverse.


Eatle is a team member who is possibly the last Oryctini from the planet Celeop Terra. He is hungry, impatient, greedy and care which only involved food, doesn't like to share with anyone like the Upchuck twin, and despite all of these he try to be nice and graceful to others. He can consume any matter into his mother thank to his claws, strength, and powerful which convert it to an energy laser on his horn which can also be use as a weapon. His weaknesses that his he got a blind spot thank to his eye position. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Eatle from Omniverse.


Clockwork is a team member who is a Chronosapien from an unknown planet. He hate exercising and time traveling, can be confused by the past and the future, have a rivalry with Eon and his ancestor Maltruant, good relationship with Paradox, and like German culture. He have the ability to read, tell, predict, and manipulate time by winding up his key on top of his head to do so which he claim to be tricky. His weaknesses that he can't really do well as he can be easily confused by the timeline and make a mistake. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Clockwork from Ultimate Alien.

Jury Rigg

Jury Rigg is a team member who is one of the few Planchakole from the planet Aul-Terrhun. He is very stubborn, crazy, insane, do things in a rush, energetic, hate being called a Gremlin, and very good friend to Grey Matter & Upgrade. He can disassemble and reassemble different machinery, technology, and other devices into another form which can do something else. His weaknesses is that his creation doesn't last long, it usually break down which will cause him to break and fix all over again. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Jury Rigg from Omniverse.

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