Andromeda Quintet

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Water Hazard

Water Hazard is the team leader who is possibly the last Orishan from the planet Orishaia from the Andromeda Galaxy and a descendent of Bivalvan. He is very serious and discipline, mature, wise, calm, friendly, honorable, respectful, intelligent, protective, enjoy watching Star Trek, and willingly​ find his younger brother Overflow. His element is water as he can absorb moisture, shoot it from the hole on his palm, and even breathe underwater. His weaknesses that his impervious shell can be hurt by energy based attack and can't gather water in a fiery area. He based on 16 year old Ben's Water Hazard from Ultimate Alien.


Ampfibian is a team member who is possibly the last Amperi from the planet Amperia from the Andromeda Galaxy and a descendant of Ra'ad. He is smart, quiet, observant, can be awkward, friendly, take things personal, level-head, and can be annoyed by other not smart. His elements is lightning as he can generate and drain electricity, sense electrical pulses, and become form of electric to travel fast. His weaknesses that he can't produce electricity as he swim in the water which will shock him He is based on 16 year old Ben's Ampfibian from Ultimate Alien.


Armodrillo is a team member who is possibly the last Talpaedan from the planet Terraexcavata from the Andromeda Galaxy and a descendent of Andreas. He is reckless, friendly, gentle, gullible, hardheaded, less mature, impulsive, can be scared, and very social to other His element is earth as he can use his arms like jackhammer to create earthquakes, make shockwave for detecting, and dig underground by using his drill. His weaknesses that his metallic body can be affected by electricity and not strong enough to withstand sharp thin objects. His species' predator is the Slamworm. He is based on 16 year old Ben's Armodrillo from Ultimate Alien.


Terraspin is a team member who is one of the few Geochelone Aerio from the planet Aerio from the Andromeda Galaxy and a descendent of Galapagus. He very passive, believe in non-violent, enjoy philosophy, love eating vegetation, enthusiastic, friendly, dislike Adwaiti as he a disgrace of their kind, and new for any other things and emotional thoughts. His elements is wind as he create them by spinning his arms & leg like propeller while they come out of the hole, can fly in the air, and use his surrounding elements. His weaknesses that an object that is in his shell will lower his wind speed. He' s based on 16 year old Ben's Terraspin from Ultimate Alien.


NRG is a team member who is possibly the last Prypiatosian-B from the planet Prypiatosia from the Andromeda Galaxy and a descendent of P'andor. He is brawny & aggressive, hot-tempered, have a huge ego, arrogant, boastful, self-centered, power hungry, rash, impulsive, and hate taking orders from Water Hazard. His element is fire as he can shoot beam of heat, absorb radiation, and generates intense heat while his true form is more powerful. His weaknesses that his Containment Suit have limited his powers, speed, and agility He is based on 16 year old Ben's NRG from Ultimate Alien while his true form is based on Omniverse.

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