Master of Evil

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   "I'm Lulu, the Fae Sorceress," said the purple yordle. I stared at her, completely shocked. Another yordle? Great, just what I needed. More cheerful, loud, irritating yordles.

   "What is your name?" she asked, extending her hand out to me.

   "Veigar," I replied, refusing the handshake. I turned around and started to leave the building.

   "W-wait where are you going Veigar?" she questioned. She attempted to grab onto my sleeve, but I pushed her hand away.

   "I'm going home. I've got more important things to do. I don't have time for anyone, let alone you," I said harshly as I was leaving the building. I glanced back and saw her hurt expression.

   "Yes, good. Hopefully I was able to get the message across that I like to be left alone," I thought. I briskly walked to my home, my sanctuary. I finally reached my home and went inside. I took a big inhale and slowly exhaled.

   "Ahhhh...feels good to be home and not bothered by obnoxious yordles," I said, "maybe I can read some new spells before I get into a game." I pulled out an ominous black book from my personal stash in my study and began to read. I dove deep into the book, memorizing spell incantations and hand motions. I was in my own little world.

   "Veigar, please report to the Fields of Justice. You have been summoned to fight in the mid lane on the blue side," spoke the disembodied voice. The voice spooked me, making me drop my book and letting out a small curse.

   "Language Veigar..."

   "Yea yea. Who's on my team?" I asked.

   "Blue Team: Teemo in Top Lane, Rammus in Jungle, Veigar in Mid Lane, Ashe in Bot Lane, Lulu as Support," replied the voice.

   "Oh great, Lulu and Teemo. I gotta deal with them again," I thought. I placed my book away and grabbed my staff.
   "So who is the enemy?"

   "Unknown. Summoners have chosen the game mode to be blind. Would you like to be teleported there?" suggested the voice. I accepted the invitation because I honestly did not want to take the long walk to the Fields of Justice. Blue rings began circling my body moving in an upwards direction. The rings were moving faster and faster. My body felt like it was being disassembled but the feeling went as quick as it came. I was no longer in my house but under the blue side fountain ready for battle.

   "Hey, look at who we have for mid. Mister Veigar himself. Sad that you missed the party," mocked Teemo with a smug look on his face.

   "Watch yourself, or you will face the wrath of my dark magic!" I threatened. Teemo just shook his head.

   "HEY VEIGAR!" yelled an oddly familiar voice. I turned around and saw Lulu staring at me. I took an instinctive step back before regaining composure.

   "Hi," I said. She kept staring at me, which caused me to pull my hat down a bit.

   "What is it that you want?" I asked, hoping she would stop staring. She didn't say anything, but just stood there. It was getting on my nerves.

   "Lulu...what is it that you want?" I said again, trying my best not to get upset. I should have just left to lane, because she unleashed a torrent of questions.

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