Unlikely Encounter

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"Let's go into the forest! There's this cool place I usually go to," I said. Lulu gave me an inquisitive look.

   "The forest?" she asked.

   "Yes. Is that a problem?"

   "No! I love nature! I just never thought you would as well!" Lulu replied. She gave one of her famous smiles. It was full of wonder and happiness. I couldn't help but smile a bit, but I made sure that Lulu didn't see it. This yordle was growing on me and I couldn't tell whether I was annoyed by it or happy. My chest started to feel warm again.

"What does this feeling mean?" I thought.

   "Well, I wouldn't say I love nature, but I do like how I can go there and not be bothered by anyone," I said.

"Wait... you live in the forest?" Lulu questioned.

"Yes I do. I have my own house that I built there," I replied. Lulu's eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? Wow, I used to live in a forest! Well actually it was the Glade but, I mean, it is a little similar to what you are living like. I was alone, well not really alone. I had Pix by my side the whole time," she said.

"Who's Pix?" I asked. Lulu lifted her hat a bit and a butterfly looking creature flew out.

"Pix is my Fae Fairy companion!" Lulu proudly exclaimed. The fairy flew in front of my face. The annoying creature started making faces at me. I attempted to swat it away, but it was too agile and easily flew out of danger. My brow furrowed in annoyance and frustration. The creature continued to mock me, but Lulu suddenly grabbed the creature by the wings and shoved it into her hat.

"Pix, that's enough! Don't be mean to Veigar," she scolded. Lulu gave me a small smile. "Sorry Veigar. Pix is just a bit jealous." I frowned and let out a sigh.

"It's fine, let's keep moving," I said. We walked a good distance until we reached the start of the forest. Lulu looked really excited to see the forest. She started skipping in total glee. Occasionally she would bump into me, but she just smiled and giggled playfully at me.

"She's pretty cute," I thought, "wait... she's cute!!! What am I thinking! Gah, she's distracting! The whole point of me bringing her to the special place in this forest was to scare her! AND WHAT IS THIS DAMN FEELING IN MY CHEST!!!"

   "We are almost there," I said. Lulu giggled happily.

   "I can't wait to see the special place that means so much to the powerful Veigar." We rounded a corner and entered a clearing. What I saw brought back memories. Memories of when I first entered the league. The special place I brought Lulu wasn't beautiful at all. It was utter destruction. From the green forest to this area of death. The earth had enormous craters and the trees were obliterated. No green could be seen in this area. The air itself was heavy with despair and pain. Lulu stood in shock with her hand over her mouth. She took a step forward into the clearing. She looked all around her then looked back at me. Her pained and frightened expression was what I was going for, but a part of me for some reason felt horrible.

   "Veigar... what happened here?" asked Lulu. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. I looked at her dead in the eyes.

   "This is where Teemo and I battled one day. We fought to the death, or at least we tried. Most of this destruction was caused by me and my hatred for yordles. This happened years ago, and I've grown stronger since then. This is why we can't be friends," I said coldly. Lulu looked at me with tear-filled eyes.

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