Another Nightmare

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"I promise..." I grumbled. I went back to my table and continued to finish my soup.

"Yay! I'm so happy Veigar! Are you happy?" exclaimed Lulu. She was hopping around the table in pure glee.

"Oh yes, I'm sooo happy," I said sarcastically. Lulu finally settled down and sat back down at the table. She started to scarf down the warm soup. We both finished our meals and I began to wash the dishes. Lulu snuck up behind me and slipped her arms around my torso.

"Thank you Veigar," spoke Lulu.

"Hands off of me you cretin!" I yelled. I used my wet hands to remove her grasp but they were too wet and slipped right off. Lulu giggled and squeezed tighter. I felt my air escaping my lungs as her grip tightened.

"How is she so strong?" I thought. After a couple moments of useless struggling, Lulu released her grip.

"What do you want!" I demanded as I gasped for breath.

"I don't want to leave you Veigar, can I stay?" she asked. I went back to finishing the dishes.

"What kind of question is that? No, of corse you can't stay. You have your own house and I would like my privacy. Besides, people would think we are a couple, which we are most definitely not," I replied. I finished the dishes and went to dry off my hands.

"Since when has the Tiny Master of Evil cared about what other people thought?" questioned Lulu playfully.

"It's just Master of Evil, thank you very much, and I don't care what other people think. I just know that you hanging around with me will make you look bad," I responded. Lulu gave me a hearty smile.

"So you do care about me!" she exclaimed. I was stunned.

"Wha-! I don't... grrr... how can I... I didn't mean...-" Lulu stepped forward and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Just so you know Veigar, I care a lot about you!" she proclaimed. I removed her hands from me. My chest started to feel really warm.

   "This damn feeling. It's the same feeling I had in the forest...the forest...where Lulu said... she said something... but then she was attacked... GAH!!! This feeling is what distracted me and got Lulu hurt!!!" I thought. I removed Lulu's hand.

"Lulu, please get out. You need to go back home," I said. Lulu had a brief look of disappointment before it was replaced by a smile.

"Okay Veigar!" she spoke. Lulu skipped to the front door and took a step outside.

"See you tomorrow! I love you!" she yelled. Lulu then closed the door and left. I stood in silence and felt my chest ache. I placed my hand on my chest and formed a fist.

   "She said those words again. Those... those damn words that make me feel this way." I thought. I went to my study and started to read a book on dark magic to get my mind off of things, but my mind was too distracted.

   "Why do I keep thinking about her? Why is it that whenever she leaves I feel so... empty? I don't understand, and not understanding is extremely annoying," I thought. I realized how late it was getting and got ready to go to bed.

   "Maybe a good night's sleep will ease my mind," I wondered. I slipped on my pajamas, turned off the lights and went under my bed covers. My eyes slowly closed and felt myself drifting off to sleep.


"What is that smell?" I thought. I got out of my bed and stretched, "Why does it smell like cupcakes?" I stumbled into the kitchen and saw Lulu whipping up a batch of cupcakes.
"What are you doing in my house!" I shouted. Lulu turned around and gave me a bright smile.
"Good Morning Love!" giggled Lulu, "I've made you some cupcakes for breakfast!" Lulu placed a plate of cupcakes on the table.
"Uhhh okay? Thanks..." I said, too stunned to say anymore. I sat down and took a cupcake. It was rather large with red and blue frosting on top with a tiny figure that vaguely looked like myself. I took a bite and was amazed on how delicious it was.
"How is it Love?" asked Lulu. She walked over to me with a face full of glee.
"It's... it's fine," I lied, "wait... how the hell did you get in here and why are you calling me Love?" Lulu grinned and giggled.
"How could you forget silly? We are married!" Lulu proclaimed.
"MA-MARRIED!?!?"I yelled. I sat up from the table and turned around.
"When the heck did we get married? What's going on!?" I thought. I turned around with a grim expression.
"Lulu! I want an answ-". I stopped mid sentence because I was no longer at my home. I was in the forest and a red and blue hooded figure stood before me. The man had a sickly grin as he stood with his bloody sickle. I saw Lulu lying on the ground to the figure's right. She was bleeding profusely and was looking at me for help.
"Heheheheheh... looks like you failed again Mr. Survivor. You should have stayed to play with me some more, but noooo. You wanted to be a naughty Yordle and left. Guess you need to be punished," chuckled the figure. The assassin raised his sickle and brought it down to finish off the dying yordle.
"NOOOO!!!" I yelled

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