Chapter 1- part 1

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I wake up startled, at the sound of screaming and I realise that it is me. I try to laugh at how silly I am for waking myself up. I feel tears falling on my face and realise that I am still crying. I wipe my face and I take a few breathes, and tell myself that nightmare has passed, and that I am going to be fine. The hunter is gone, and he has left me alone. I tell myself that the hunter thinks that I burned in the castle, with the rest of my family.

I look around at the dirty motel room that I am in, and I make a look of disgust, once again. I wonder how much longer I am going to have that nightmare. The incident happened two weeks ago and I can't get it out of my head, though what should I expect, I did see my family die and I almost joined them. I begin to think of it again, thinking of how helpless I was and how my brothers and sisters and parents were all laying there, and I couldn't help them. I get upset and angry at my thoughts, and I tell myself not to blame myself.

The room begins to shake and mould, and the windows break and the pictures burn. I look around and I see what I am doing, what I keep doing. I get up and go into the disgusting bathroom, where the bugs crawl, and where mould builds, without my help.

I splash my face with extremely, cold water and I calm myself down, by doing the breathing exercises that my grandfather taught me, and it works, just like every other time. I look up and into the mirror to find another side of me staring at me, the darker side, and the side I can't control. I have my bright, purple eyes and fangs. I am a hybrid, part vampire and part witch, sometimes I hate it and sometimes I love it, right now I am on the hate side., the lack of control is the reason. I close my eyes and I take a few more deep breaths.

I open my eyes again to see that they are back to their almost normal self, one blue and one green, eyes, and my fangs have gone back in. I'm a different kind of vampire to those that has been written about, I have a cool feature, I have wings, they are black and they have silky feather covering them. I get them out to see how well they have healed and I see that all of the burn marks have gone and all of the feathers has grown back, they are back to normal.

Too bad that my hands aren't that good. I hold my bandaged hands out in front of me and I can feel the burn marks, even without looking. I wriggle my fingers, and I get the proud feeling I get, for how I managed to wrap each finger individually, so I can still use them.

I hear my stomach growl, asking for more of the red stuff, and I wonder if there is anything left to eat. I head down the stairs to where I left the chef, in the kitchen, and I see if he is still alive. Unfortunately, he isn't, he must have died from the lack of blood, I must have accidently taken too much last time. So I get up and I head to another room, the living room is a good place to look.

I see that there is a man who is still breathing, he is just unconscious, and I hope he stays that way, until I am done, at least. So I let my fangs out, I piece his neck and I begin to feed. I realise that I will have to ration him, because there is no-one left, and I won't be able to get anymore, not unless I want people to notice. But I can't control myself and I feed until the last drop is gone and the man flops.

I feel a stab of guilt in my chest, for what I had to do to these people and I let myself cry for the hundredth time, in these past few days. I don't want to kill these people, and I don't like it but I can't help it, I can't control it, any of it, and I have to feed, whether I like it or not. I start to breathe weirdly and I am begin shaking slightly.

The room starts to shake, along with me, again and it begins to bucket it down with rain outside and lighting strikes right outside the window. I realise that this is me, once again, and I calm myself to make it stop. I move the man and the chef to the basement, thanks to my inhuman strength, just like I did to the others.

I apologise to him and the others, and I run back up to my room, so I don't have to look at the horror that I have done. I grab the wipes from my bag and I go to the mirror in the bathroom. I wipe the blood off my face slowly, so I get every last bit of it off, and I manage to stay calm the whole time. I look in the mirror at myself and I try to decide how I want my hair to look, and what colour to change it too, this time. I close my eyes and imagine long, black, wavy hair that goes half way down my back, and there are quite a few layers. I see red strips through the hair as well, but the stripes only starts half way down the hair.

I open my eyes and see that my hair has changed to the picture I had in my mind. But I also see that I used too much power and that my clothes has changed colour as well, to red and black stripes. However, I like it so I keep it that way.

I leave the bathroom, and back into the bedroom and I pick up my second bag that I have with me, the one with my purse, laptop and phone in. I check my purse to see how much money I have in it, and realise that I will have to risk taking more out of my bank account, which I don't like doing, cause I know that people can find me, but I need more, so I'll do it.

I leave the motel and I start to run, at almost full speed, to the shopping centre, once again wishing that I could drive, but I don't want to attention, and I don't have the money. The shopping centre is an hour away from the motel but I don't stop once, because I don't need to, another perk of being a vampire.

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