Chapter 2- part 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I wake up with a massive headache, a ringing in my ears and my vision is all blurry. I also have a strong smell of disinfectant in my nose and I feels like it is burning my nose hairs. I blink to clear my eyesight, and soon realise that I am no longer in the motel. I look to my left to see a load of beds and monitors near each one, and to my right is a few more beds and a door, which has no windows on it. There are no windows anywhere else in the room either, but the lights on the ceiling are bright enough to fill every corner in the room and to make the room very bright, and very painful to sore eyes like mine.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I focus my magic on my body to see if anything has been harmed but the only pain that I can feel is coming from my head. So I focus on my head to try and heal it and slowly the pounding pain goes away, however, this leaves me slightly light-headed, and with a floating feeling in my head, like a great weight has been taken away from me, and is no longer pressing against my skull. The lack of pain in my head is making it easier to focus on the room a bit more, and the noises around me.

Beep. Beep. Beep

Such as the annoying noise that is sounding next to me. I look up and see that I have a heart monitor beeping my pulse, and it is very irritating. I look at my right arm to see an IV sticking into it, near the elbow, and the little device that gets my pulse has been put onto my ring finger on my right hand.

There is also wires attached to electrodes and they are stuck to my head, at the temples and on my chest as well, and I have no idea what these do. I'm shocked that they haven't moved because of how tight my top is, and I know that I move a lot when I am asleep, but I don't know if I do when I'm knocked unconscious. I finally realise that I am in a room similar to a hospital one, except this one is prepared for a lot of people to be in here. This makes my heart rate quicken and the beeping gets faster and more annoying.

Many thoughts and questions fly through my head, such as, why am I here? Or what did those people do to me? And where is this place?

I take a deep breath to calm myself and tell myself not to panic, and that everything is going to be fine. I tense my arm, to get a grip on my emotions but soon realise that that is a bad idea. The IV moves slightly, slicing through some flesh and gives a stinging sensation in my arm, I wince slightly at the pain, and I suck in a painful gasp of air.

I don't like the fact that I have no idea where I am and not knowing who is in the building with me, at least at the motel I knew that the people in the basement would stay in the basement. Well, at least until I accidentally brought them back to life.

After studying the room for a few minutes, I realise that there is only one escape route and that is through the one door, there are no secret doors or air vents, just the one door. I wonder where this could be, and soon realise that the little group of people at the motel must have taken me to the agency that they were talking about.

I have a bad feeling in my stomach, like something horrible is going to happen, and usually I am not wrong, but I also have a good feeling. Maybe these people can help me and help to control my thirst and my magic, I think to myself, but another part is telling me no.

I manage to have an argument with myself about whether I should leave this place or stay and find out if I can get help here. I finally decide to listen to the bad feeling, because I don't know or trust these people, and that I should leave this place.

I pull the IV out of my arm and I take off the heart monitor. I stretch my arm to get rid of the pain that the needle left behind, and I wipe away the clear, thick liquid that is left on my arm. I pulled the wires off of my head and off my chest, not caring if they are important. The beeping stops and I push the machine away, so it's out of the way and I can get off of the bed. I move the covers off and see that I am still in all of my clothes from earlier. Thank god for that, I think to myself. I stand up and the room spins around me for a few seconds.

When the room steadies, I walk over to the door and try to pull it open. But, of course, it won't budge, even when I throw all of my weight and strength onto it. They locked me in a hospital room, that is not something that I thought would ever happen to me.

Before leaving I decide to check one more time to see if there is another way out of the room because I would prefer not to run into other strangers in the hallway.

I get on my hands and knees and I look under all of the fifteen hospital beds in the room and behind every machine, just in case something is being covered up. I then decide to also look behind the three mirrors that are in the room, and I de-glamour the room to see if anything has been hidden. All I find is a security camera, and some names etched into the wall under the bed that I was laying in. There aren't even any cupboards.

I finally decide to just use the door, which seems to be the only way in and out of this room. So I stand up and rub my sore knees and brush my hands together, to brush off the non-existing dust. I walk over to the door and try an unlocking spell, but I have my doubts from how strong Morgan seemed to be.

'Ostium clausum est, et liberavit me reserare,' I whisper, meaning 'door that is locked, unlock and set me free', purple sparks shoot from my finger, that I am pointing to the lock and I hear a click from inside the door.

I do a small cheer because I had really doubted that, that would work. But somehow it did.

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