Chapter 3- Part 1

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I look up to try and stop the tears, and I go to stand up, and that is when I realise just how long I’ve been in this position. I stand up and I stretch my sore muscles. I wipe my face, and get rid of the tears. I take in a deep breathe, and I take control of my emotions, at least I can do that, I think.

I turn to the bad blood on the floor, and my throat burns, but instead of drinking it, I rip open the bags and I pour them down the small drain that I found.

Once I have finished the final bag, I focus my attention and hearing to what is happening outside the door. I listen carefully and I can just about hear footsteps but I can’t tell how close they are. I mutter a small spell under my breath and a small cloud appears in front of me, I look into the small cloud and I can see through the door, without having to open it.

I can’t see anyone, but the footsteps have gotten louder. The cloud, slowly vanishes, and when it finally does, I sit back down on the floor, and I try to think of a way to get out of here without being caught.

I get back up and I try to find a piece of paper, or even a map of this place. But I have no luck. I silently wish that I had my bag with me, but it wasn’t in the hospital room with me, so I’m assuming that these people have taking it. However, I don’t have to have paper for the spell I want to do, it just makes it easier.

I sit back down, making sure that there is as much room on the floor as I can make.  And I mutter the words for the spell.
‘et implebuntur areae conclavi, unus supra, sunt revelare et arcana patescunt.’ This means, 'floors and chambers above and below, reveal the hallways and secrets.'

In the floor space that I have left, lines start to glow and form the floor plans for the building I'm in. Some of the hallways and rooms are different colours, the red ones mean that they are locked, or needs a different kind of security to get in, and the blue ones means that they are hidden or cloaked from a persons sight.

I focus on the black and blue ones because I can't get out through locked doors, or once with high security. As I look at the glowing map, and different colours, I see that I am nearly right above the front door, all I have to do is figure out to get down to the ground floor. I also realise that I am on the fourth floor, out of the five above ground. I can see that there are hidden tunnels under the building, but that is three floors underground and I hate being in underground tunnels, especially if they are small.

I put my focus on the stairs and secret hallways above ground, and I can see at least three different ways I can go, to get to the ground floor, without having to pass any high security doors. I look around the room, to try and find a small piece of paper, but cannot find any, which means that I have to memorize the three different ways, just in case I have to start again, in case someone sees me.

I sit on the floor for a few more minutes, memorising the ways out, and once I feel confident that I remember them all, I get up and I reach for the door handle. But I don’t open the door, feeling a sense of unease about it.

However, before I even manage to grab it, it moves around in a circle, very slowly and the door opens, in the same slow motion. I move back against the wall, and I mutter the invisibility spell that I know.

The door opens and a man walks in. There is something about this man that is familiar, and I try to think hard about what that is. I finally remember what it is. He is the man that shot me with the syringe. The one that got me caught and brought here in the first place.

‘I know you’re in here, I only want to talk. No-one else knows where you are,’ He says to me, and for some reason I believe him. So I drop the spell and I step away from the wall. He looks at me and gives a small smile.

'See that wasn't so bad was it, and I promise that I am not a bad guy,' he says, but I can hear the smugness in his voice.

'Are you going to help me out?' I ask, trying my best to hide the hope in my voice. He gives me a strange expression, and shakes his head.

'No. But let me introduce myself. My name is Carlos, and I really what to just sit down and talk to you and see if I can help you in anyway verbally, and not escaping,' he says, with seriousness in his voice again.

I start to shake my head, and he moves forward. I put my hands out to push him away from me and out of the door. But the door closes by itself, and I am pushed back against the wall. I look at Carlos and I realise that he shut the door and pushed me away. He's telekinetic.

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